Form M-4x - Instructions


MINNESOTA Department of Revenue
Instructions for Form M-4X
For additional information, refer to the forms and instructions for the tax year you are amending.
Completing the form
Line 9
If you amend your federal tax return or if
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) makes
Fill in the amount of any charitable
Fill in the tax year you are amending at the
an adjustment to your federal return, you
top of the form. If you do not, your return
must notifiy the Department of Revenue
will be sent back to you for completion.
Line 11
within 180 days. Failure to report federal
If Column A or C are less than zero, enter
Columns A, B and C
changes on an amended return,
zero. For Column B, subtract Column A
Form M-4X, within 180 days will result in
Lines 1-19
from Column C.
a penalty of 10 percent of any additional
Column A: Fill in the amounts shown on
tax due.
your original return or as later adjusted by
Line 12
an amended return or audit report.
Regular franchise tax. Figure the tax
Use Form M-4X to make a claim for refund
on the corrected amount on line 11 of
as well as to report changes to your
Column B: Fill in the increases or
column C.
Minnesota liability.
decreases you are making. On a separate
For tax years beginning before 1982, the
sheet, explain all changes in detail. If the
Attach a copy of your amended federal
tax rate is 12 percent.
change involves an item that the corpora-
return or notice of adjustment to your
For tax years beginning after 1981 and
tion tax return (or its instructions) requires
Form M-4X.
before 1987, refer to your original return
the corporation to support, attach the
and calculate your tax following
appropriate schedule, statement or form to
When to file
Schedule E. Attach a copy of your
Form M-4X.
File Form M-4X only after you have filed
Column C: Fill in the corrected totals after
For tax years beginning after 1986 and
your original return. You may file
the increases or decreases shown in column
before 1990, the tax rate is 9.5 percent.
Form M-4X within three-and-one-half
B. If there are no changes, fill in the
For tax years beginning after 1989, the
years after the return was due or within
amount from column A.
tax rate is 9.8 percent.
one year from the date of an order assess-
ing tax, whichever is later. If you received
Line 1
Line 13
an extension of time to file your original
Fill in the amount of your Minnesota net
Factors alternative minimum tax. For
return and you filed it by the extended due
income or loss before apportionment.
tax years beginning after 1986 and before
date, you have up to three-and-one-half
1990, the alternative minimum tax was
Line 7
years from the extended due date to file
based on your corporation’s property,
the amended return, Form M-4X.
Enter Minnesota nonapportionable income
payroll and sales in Minnesota. Unitary
as a negative, i.e. ($100). Enter Minnesota
groups must complete Schedule AMT-U.
nonapportionable loss as a positive, i.e.
If you make a claim for a refund and the
Department of Revenue does not act on it
Line 8
within six months of the date filed, you
Fill in the amount of any deductions for
may bring an action in the district court or
dividends received.
(continued on back)
the tax court.
The amended return must be signed by a
Where to find line amounts from past returns
person authorized by the corporation.
Preparer information
If you pay someone to prepare your return,
M-4, line 5
Schedule CI, line 8
M4-I, line 7
the preparer should sign the return and fill
Schedule A, line 2
Schedule CI, line 9
M4-I, line 8
in his or her ID or Social Security number
Schedule A, line 13
Schedule CI, line 12
M4-A, line 17
and daytime phone number.
Schedule A, line 17
Schedule CI, line 16
M4-T, line 6
Schedule A, line 15
Schedule CI, line 14
M4-T, line 4
Rounding to whole dollars
M-4, line 7
Schedule CI, line 19
M4-T, line 8
M-4, line 8
Schedule CI, line 20
M4-T, line 9
Round the amounts on your tax return and
M-4, line 12
Schedule CI, line 24
M4-T, line 13
schedules to the nearest dollar. Drop any
M-4, line 14
Schedule CI, line 26
M4-T, line 15
amount less than 50 cents and increase any
M-4, line 16
Schedule CI, line 28
M4-T, line 17
amount that is 50 cents or more to the next
M-4, line 18
Schedule CI, line 30
M4-T, line 19
highest dollar.


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