Instructions For Form 5227 Page 4


Schedule I of Form 1041 to determine whether the trust
corresponding lines on Form 5227 to report the interest,
is subject to any alternative minimum tax.
dividends, capital gains, etc., from the flow-through entity.
See the instructions for Part III on page 5 to determine
Line 5—Farm Income or (Loss)
the amount of the current distribution to report to each
If the trust operated a farm, use Schedule F (Form 1040),
beneficiary on Form 1041, Schedule K-1.
Profit or Loss From Farming, to report farm income and
expenses. Enter the net profit or loss from Schedule F on
Part I—Ordinary Income
line 5.
Line 6—Ordinary Gain or (Loss)
Line 1—Interest Income
Report all taxable interest income that was received by
Enter from Form 4797, Sales of Business Property, the
gain or loss from the sale or exchange of property other
the trust. Examples of taxable interest include interest
than capital assets and also from involuntary conversions
(other than casualty or theft). For more information, see
Accounts (including certificates of deposit and money
market accounts) with banks, credit unions, and thrifts;
the Instructions for Form 4797.
Notes, loans, and mortgages;
U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds;
Deductions are to be allocated as follows.
U.S. savings bonds;
Original issue discount; and
1. Allowable deductions directly attributable to one or
Income received as a regular interest holder of a Real
more classes of income items (i.e., interest, dividends, or
Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC).
rents) or corpus are allocated to such income classes or
For taxable bonds acquired after December 31, 1987,
2. Allowable deductions not allocated under 1 above
amortizable bond premium is treated as an offset to the
are allocated on the basis of gross income after directly
interest income instead of as a separate interest
attributable deductions, to the extent of such income.
deduction. See Pub. 550, Investment Income and
3. Deductions not allocated under either 1 or 2 above
may be allocated in any manner.
Line 2a—Qualified Dividends
No deduction is ever allowed for:
Report on this line all qualified dividends received by the
The personal exemption under section 642(b),
trust. In general, a qualified dividend is a dividend
Charitable contributions under section 642(c),
received during the tax year from (a) a domestic
Net operating losses under section 642(d),
corporation or (b) a qualified foreign corporation. A
Income distribution deductions under section 661,
qualified dividend does not include any dividend from a
Capital loss carryforwards under section 1212,
corporation if the corporation is (or was) exempt from
Federal income taxes, or
income tax under section 501 or 521 for the corporation’s
Federal excise taxes under Chapter 42.
current or preceding tax year during which the distribution
Any expense that is not deductible in determining
was made.
taxable income and not allocated to nontaxable income
Generally, these dividends are reported to the trust in
must be allocated to corpus. For a discussion on the
box 1b of Form(s) 1099-DIV.
allocation of deductions to tax-exempt income, see the
Instructions for Form 1041.
Qualified dividends are treated as a separate class of
ordinary income for purposes of ordering distributions.
All federal income taxes for which the split-interest
See Ordering Rules on page 6 for more information on
trust is liable because it has unrelated business taxable
distributions. See Pub. 550 for additional information on
income, and all taxes imposed by Chapter 42 of the
qualified dividends, including holding period
Internal Revenue Code (relating to private foundations),
are allocated to corpus.
Line 2b—Ordinary Dividends
Line 17—Total Long-Term Capital Gain or
(Loss) for Tax Year
Enter on line 2b the total of all ordinary dividends,
including the qualified dividends reported on line 2a.
The total of long-term capital gains or losses from all
classes (described below) is entered on line 17a. The
Line 3—Business Income or (Loss)
following is a summary of the classes:
If the trust operated a business, report the income and
28% long-term capital gain class. This class consists
expenses on Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business
of collectibles gains and losses and the taxable gain (but
(or Schedule C-EZ, Net Profit From Business) of Form
not more than the section 1202 exclusion) on the sale or
1040. See the instructions for F. Unrelated Business
exchange of qualified small business stock. Enter these
Taxable Income on page 3. Enter the net profit or loss
gains or losses on line 17b.
from Schedule C or C-EZ on line 3.
Section 1250 long-term capital gain class. This
class consists of unrecaptured section 1250 gain
Line 4—Rents, Royalties, Partnerships,
(generally, the part of real estate capital gain attributable
Other Estates and Trusts, etc.
to depreciation) on sales, exchanges, etc., of assets held
Use Schedule E (Form 1040), Supplemental Income and
more than one year. Enter this gain on line 17c.
Loss, to report the trust’s income or losses from rents,
Undistributed, unrecaptured section 1250 gain on sales,
royalties, partnerships, S corporations, other estates and
exchanges, etc., after May 6, 1997, is included in this
trusts, and REMICs. Enter the net profit or loss from
Schedule E on line 4. See the Instructions for Schedule E
All other long-term capital gain class.This class
(Form 1040) for reporting requirements. If the trust
consists of all other gains or losses from sales,
received a Schedule K-1 from a partnership, S
exchanges, and conversions (including installment
corporation, or other flow-through entity, use the
payments received) of assets held more than 12 months.


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