Instructions For Form 5227


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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 5227
Split-Interest Trust Information Return
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
Has amounts transferred in trust after May 26, 1969,
Photographs of Missing Children
for which a deduction was allowed under one of the Code
The Internal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the
sections listed in section 4947(a)(2).
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
A split-interest trust is subject to many of the same
Photographs of missing children selected by the Center
requirements and restrictions that are imposed on private
may appear in instructions on pages that would otherwise
be blank. You can help bring these children home by
looking at the photographs and calling 1-800-THE-LOST
Recipient. A recipient is a beneficiary who receives the
(1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child.
possession or beneficial enjoyment of the unitrust or
annuity amount.
General Instructions
Foundation manager. A foundation manager is an
officer, director, or trustee (or an individual who has
powers or responsibilities similar to those of officers,
Purpose of Form
directors, or trustees). In the case of any act or failure to
act, the term foundation manager may also include an
Use Form 5227 to report the financial activities of a
employee of the trust who has the authority to act.
split-interest trust described in section 4947(a)(2); and to
determine whether the trust is treated as a private
Disqualified person. A disqualified person is:
foundation and is subject to the excise taxes under
1. A substantial contributor;
Chapter 42.
2. A foundation manager;
A charitable remainder annuity trust or unitrust is
3. A person who owns more than 20% of a
exempt from federal income tax for any tax year if it:
corporation, partnership, trust, or unincorporated
Was created after July 31, 1969, and
enterprise, which is itself a substantial contributor;
Has no unrelated business taxable income for the tax
4. A member of the family of an individual in the first
three categories; or
Even though the trust is exempt from federal income
5. A corporation, partnership, trust, or estate in which
tax, it must file Form 5227 each year.
persons described in 1, 2, 3, or 4 above own a total
beneficial interest of more than 35%.
Who Must File
6. For purposes of section 4943 (excess business
All charitable remainder trusts described in section 664,
holdings), a disqualified person also includes:
pooled income funds described in section 642(c)(5), and
a. A private foundation which is effectively controlled
charitable lead trusts (see Exception below) must file
(directly or indirectly) by the same persons who control
Form 5227.
the trust in question, or
Exception. Generally, a split-interest trust created
b. A private foundation substantially all of the
before May 27, 1969, is not required to file Form 5227.
contributions to which were made (directly or indirectly)
However, if any amounts were transferred to the trust
by the same person or persons described in 1, 2, or 3
after May 26, 1969, for which a deduction was allowed
above, or members of their families, within the meaning
under any of the sections listed under section 4947(a)(2),
of section 4946(d), who made (directly or indirectly)
Form 5227 must be filed for the year of the transfer and
substantially all of the contributions to the trust in
all subsequent years regardless of whether additional
transfers are made in subsequent years.
7. For purposes of section 4941 (self-dealing), a
disqualified person also includes certain government
Charitable lead trusts and charitable remainder trusts
officials. (See section 4946(c) and the related
whose charitable interests involve only war veterans’
posts or cemeteries described in sections 170(c)(3) and
170(c)(5), respectively, are not required to complete
Parts VI and VII of Form 5227.
Phone Help
Note. Regulations section 1.6012-3(a)(6) references
If you have questions and/or need help completing this
Form 1041-B. Form 5227 replaces Form 1041-B.
form, please call 1-877-829-5500. This toll-free telephone
service is available Monday through Friday.
Split-interest trust. A split-interest trust is a trust that:
Additional Information
Is not exempt from tax under section 501(a);
Has some unexpired interests that are devoted to
For additional information on private foundations and
purposes other than religious, charitable, or similar
foundation managers, see Pub. 578, Tax Information for
purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B); and
Private Foundations and Foundation Managers.
Cat. No. 13228E


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