include amounts shown on line 39. Governmental
specified in the line 41 instructions. The schedule should
obligations reported on line 45a are those that mature in
also identify the relationship of the lender to any officer,
1 year or more. Debt securities of the U.S. Government
director, trustee, or other disqualified person.
may be reported as a single total rather than itemized.
Line 55. Other liabilities. List and show the amount of
Obligations of state and municipal governments may also
each liability not reportable on lines 51 through 54. Attach
be reported as a lump-sum total. Do not combine U.S.
a separate schedule if more space is needed.
Government obligations with state and municipal
Charitable remainder unitrusts must include any
obligations on the attached schedule.
unitrust amounts applicable to prior periods that are
Line 46. Investments — land, buildings, and
unpaid but required to be paid as of the valuation date,
equipment. Enter the book value (cost or other basis
since such amounts reduce the net FMV of the trust’s
less accumulated depreciation) of all land, buildings, and
assets. However, do not include any make-up amount for
equipment held for investment purposes, such as rental
a net income charitable remainder unitrust (NIMCRUT).
properties. Attach a schedule listing these investment
Line 56. Total liabilities. Columns (a) and (b) (and
fixed assets held at the end of the year and showing, for
column (c) if a unitrust) must always have an entry, even
each item or category listed, the cost or other basis,
if it is zero.
accumulated depreciation, and book value.
Line 60. Total liabilities and net assets. Columns (a)
Line 47. Investments — other. Enter the amount of all
and (b) must always have an entry, even if it is zero.
other investment holdings not reported on line 45 or line
46. Attach a schedule describing each of these
Parts V-A and V-B. Charitable
investments held at the end of the year. Show the book
value for each and indicate whether the investment is
Remainder Trust Information
listed at cost or end-of-year market value. Do not include
program-related investments. See instructions for line 49.
Line 61b. To figure the total annual annuity amounts for
a short tax year, see Short tax years below.
Line 48. Land, buildings, and equipment. Enter the
book value (cost or other basis less accumulated
Line 65a. Enter the unitrust fixed percentage (which
depreciation) of all land, buildings, and equipment owned
may not be less than 5% or more than 50%).
by the trust and not held for investment. This includes
If there is more than one unitrust recipient, attach a
any equipment owned and used by the trust in
schedule showing the percentage of the total unitrust
conducting its charitable activities. Attach a schedule
dollar amount payable to each recipient. The sum of
listing these fixed assets held at the end of the year and
these individual shares should be 100%.
showing for each item or category listed, the cost or other
Line 65b. This line must always have an entry, even if it
basis, accumulated depreciation, and book value.
is zero.
Line 49. Other assets. List and show the book value of
Line 66a. Enter the trust’s 2007 (fiduciary) accounting
each category of assets not reportable on lines 38
income determined under the terms of the governing
through 48. Attach a separate schedule if more space is
instrument and applicable local law. Do not include
extraordinary dividends or taxable stock dividends that
One type of asset reportable on line 49 is program-
are determined under the governing instrument and
related investments made primarily to accomplish a
applicable local law to be allocable to corpus. See
charitable purpose of the trust rather than to produce
section 643(b) and Regulations sections
1.664-3(a)(1)(i)(b)(3) and 1.643(b)-1 for more
Line 50. Total assets. Columns (a) and (b) (and column
(c) if a unitrust) must always have an entry, even if it is
Line 67a. This should be the amount from line 53 of the
2006 Form 5227. If not, attach a schedule that supports
Line 51. Accounts payable and accrued expenses.
the balance in the make-up account. Figure the total
Enter the total accounts payable to suppliers and others,
deficiencies from previous years as follows.
and accrued expenses such as salaries payable, accrued
1. Aggregate the unitrust’s net asset FMV for each
payroll taxes, and interest payable.
previous year.
Line 52. Deferred revenue. Include revenue that the
2. Multiply (1) above by the unitrust’s fixed
organization has received but not yet earned as of the
balance sheet date under its method of accounting.
3. From the result in (2), subtract the aggregate trust
income that was distributed for previous years.
Line 53. Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and
other disqualified persons. Enter the unpaid balance
Line 69. Use this amount to determine future accrued
of loans received from officers, directors, trustees, and
distribution deficiencies.
other disqualified persons. For loans outstanding at the
Short tax years. To figure the annuity amount (line 61b)
end of the year, attach a schedule that provides (for each
or the unitrust amount (line 68) for short tax years,
loan) the name and title of the lender and the information
multiply the annuity or unitrust amount by the number of
specified in the line 41 instructions.
days in the trust’s tax year, and then divide the result by
Line 54. Mortgages and other notes payable. Enter
365 (or 366 for leap years).
the amount of mortgages and other notes payable at the
beginning and end of the year. Attach a schedule
For a unitrust whose governing instrument provides for
showing, as of the end of the year, the total amount of all
an income exception, if no valuation date occurs before
mortgages payable and, for each nonmortgage note
the end of the trust’s tax year, value the trust’s assets as
payable, the name of the lender and the other information
of the last day of the trust’s tax year.