may be used to reduce undistributed gain for earlier
without regard to any capital loss carrybacks and
years within that same category, and any excess may be
carryovers. See the Netting Rules and Ordering Rules
carried forward to reduce gain in future years within that
below; and Carryover Rules on page 6 for capital gains.
same category.
Third, as nontaxable income to the extent of the trust’s
nontaxable income for the current year and undistributed
For information on recordkeeping for long-term capital
nontaxable income for prior years.
gains or ordinary income, see the worksheets on pages
Fourth, as a distribution of trust corpus. For this
11 and 12.
purpose, trust corpus means the net fair market value of
the trust assets less the total undistributed income (but
Part III. Current Distributions
not loss) in each of the above categories.
The accumulation distribution rules do not apply to
You must give each recipient listed in Part III a Schedule
charitable remainder trusts.
K-1 (Form 1041) that reflects that recipient’s current
distribution. Also, attach a copy of each Schedule K-1 to
Additional Rules for Capital Gains and
Form 5227. See the Specific Instructions for Schedule
K-1 (Form 1041) for more information.
Netting Rules
Beneficiary’s Identifying Number
Gains and losses are netted within each class to arrive at
As a payer of income, the trust is required under section
a net gain or loss for that class. After you net within a
6109 to request and provide a proper identifying number
class, the following additional netting rules apply to the
for each recipient of income. Enter the recipient’s number
capital gains category.
on the respective Schedule K-1. Individuals and business
recipients are responsible for giving you their taxpayer
1. Among the long-term capital gain and loss classes:
identification numbers upon request. You may use Form
a. A net loss from the 28% long-term capital gain
W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and
class reduces net gains in the following order:
Certification, to request the beneficiary’s identifying
First, gain from the section 1250 long-term capital
gain class, then
Penalty. Under section 6723, the payer is charged a $50
Net gain from the all other long-term capital gain
penalty for each failure to provide a required taxpayer
class, and finally
identification number, unless reasonable cause is
Gain from the qualified 5-year long-term capital gain
established for not providing it. Explain any reasonable
cause in a signed affidavit and attach it to this return.
b. A net loss from the all other long-term capital gain
class reduces net gains in the following order:
Substitute Forms
First, net gain from the 28% long-term capital gain
You do not need prior IRS approval for substitute
class, then
Schedules K-1 if it is an exact copy of the IRS schedule.
Gain from the section 1250 long-term capital gain
The boxes must use the same numbers and titles and
class, and finally
must be in the same order and format as on the
Gain from the qualified 5-year long-term capital gain
comparable IRS Schedule K-1. The substitute schedule
must include the OMB number. You must request IRS
2. A net short-term capital loss is applied to reduce
approval to use other substitute Schedules K-1. To
the net long-term capital gain classes as follows:
request approval, write to:
First, net gain from the 28% long-term capital gain
class, then
Internal Revenue Service
Gain from the section 1250 long-term capital gain
Attention: Substitute Forms Program Coordinator
class, then
Net gain from the all other long-term capital gain
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
class, and finally
Washington, DC 20224
Gain from the qualified 5-year long-term capital gain
You may be subject to a penalty if you file a
Schedule K-1 that does not conform to the
3. An overall net long-term capital loss reduces any
specifications in Pub. 1167, General Rules and
net short-term capital gain.
Specifications for Substitute Forms and Schedules.
Though the qualified 5-year gain provision has
Inclusion of Amounts in Recipients’ Income
been repealed for sales and other dispositions
If there are two or more recipients, each will be treated as
after May 5, 2003, these gains remain in a
receiving his or her pro rata share of the various classes
separate class because the 5-year gain provision is
of income or corpus.
scheduled to come back into existence in 2011.
Amounts distributed by a charitable remainder annuity
No additions may be made to this class for
trust or a charitable remainder unitrust have the following
dispositions after May 5, 2003, and before 2011, but
characteristics in the hands of the recipients:
distributions may continue to be made from this class
First, as ordinary income to the extent of ordinary
during that period.
income for the current year and undistributed ordinary
income for prior years of the trust. Ordinary income is
Ordering Rules
computed without regard to any net operating loss
deductions under section 172. See the Ordering Rules on
Ordinary income. Ordinary income is composed of two
this page.
classes for purposes of characterizing and ordering
Second, as capital gains to the extent of the trust’s
distributions: (a) qualified dividends, and (b) all other
undistributed capital gains. Undistributed capital gains of
ordinary income. If the trust has both classes of ordinary
the trust are determined on a cumulative net basis
income, distributions are treated as made first from the all