For each outstanding loan or other receivable that
rather than itemized. Obligations of state and municipal
must be reported separately, the attached schedule
governments may also be reported as a lump-sum total.
should use a columnar format and show the following
Do not combine U.S. Government obligations with state
and municipal obligations on the attached schedule.
Borrower’s name and title.
Line 33—Investments—Land, Buildings,
Original amount.
Balance due.
and Equipment
Date of note.
Enter the book value (cost or other basis less
Maturity date.
accumulated depreciation) of all land, buildings, and
Repayment terms.
equipment held for investment purposes, such as rental
Interest rate.
properties. Attach a schedule listing these investment
Security provided by the borrower.
fixed assets held at the end of the year and showing, for
Purpose of the loan.
each item or category listed, the cost or other basis,
Description and FMV of the consideration furnished by
accumulated depreciation, and book value.
the lender.
Line 34—Investments—Other
The above detail is not required for receivables or
travel advances that may be reported as a single total
Enter the amount of all other investment holdings not
(see instruction 2 above). However, report and identify
reported on line 32 or 33. Attach a schedule describing
those totals separately in the attachment.
each of these investments held at the end of the year.
Show the book value for each and indicate whether the
Line 29—Other Notes and Loans Receivable
investment is listed at cost or end-of-year market value.
Enter the combined total of notes receivable and net
Do not include program-related investments. See
loans receivable.
instructions for line 36.
Notes receivable. Enter the amount of all notes
Line 35—Land, Buildings, and Equipment
receivable not listed on line 28 and not acquired as
Enter the book value (cost or other basis less
investments. Attach a schedule similar to that called for in
accumulated depreciation) of all land, buildings, and
the line 28 instructions. The schedule should also identify
equipment owned by the trust and not held for
the relationship of the borrower to any officer, director,
investment. This includes any equipment owned and
trustee, or other disqualified person.
used by the trust in conducting its charitable activities.
For a note receivable from any section 501(c)(3)
Attach a schedule listing these fixed assets held at the
organization, list only the name of the borrower and the
end of the year and showing for each item or category
balance due on the required schedule.
listed, the cost or other basis, accumulated depreciation,
Loans receivable. Enter the gross amount of loans
and book value.
receivable, less the allowance for doubtful accounts,
Line 36—Other Assets
arising from the normal activities of the trust. An itemized
list of these loans is not required, but attach a schedule
List and show the book value of each category of assets
indicating the total amount of each type of loan
not reportable on lines 25 through 35. Attach a separate
outstanding. Report loans to officers, directors, trustees,
schedule if more space is needed.
or other disqualified persons on line 28, and loans to
One type of asset reportable on line 36 is
other employees on line 36.
program-related investments made primarily to
Line 30—Inventories for Sale or Use
accomplish a charitable purpose of the trust rather than
to produce income.
Enter the amount of materials, goods, and supplies
purchased or manufactured by the trust and held for sale
Line 37—Total Assets
or use in some future period.
Columns (a) and (b) (and column (c) if a unitrust) must
Line 31—Prepaid Expenses and Deferred
always have an entry, even if it is zero.
Line 38—Accounts Payable and Accrued
Enter the amount of short-term and long-term
prepayments of future expenses attributable to one or
more future accounting periods. Examples include
Enter the total accounts payable to suppliers and others,
prepayments of rent, insurance, and pension costs, and
and accrued expenses such as salaries payable, accrued
expenses incurred in connection with a solicitation
payroll taxes, and interest payable.
campaign to be conducted in a future accounting period.
Line 39—Deferred Revenue
Lines 32a, b, and c Investments—
Include revenue that the organization has received but
Government Obligations, Corporate Stocks,
not yet earned as of the balance sheet date under its
and Bonds
method of accounting.
Enter the book value (which may be market value) of
Line 40—Loans From Officers, Directors,
these investments. Attach a schedule that lists each
Trustees, and Other Disqualified Persons
security held at the end of the year and shows whether
the security is listed at cost (including the value recorded
Enter the unpaid balance of loans received from officers,
at the time of receipt in the case of donated securities) or
directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons. For
end-of-year market value. Do not include amounts shown
loans outstanding at the end of the year, attach a
on line 26. Governmental obligations reported on line 32a
schedule that provides (for each loan) the name and title
are those that mature in 1 year or more. Debt securities
of the lender and the information specified in the line 28
of the U.S. Government may be reported as a single total