Vaccines For Children (Vfc) Program Provider Agreement And Profile Page 4

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FOR DOH USE ONLY Date rec’d:
Bureau of Immunization
Vaccine Program
ESP Corning Tower RM 649
Albany NY 12237–0627
Phone: (800) 543-7468 Fax: (518) 449-6912
9. I will comply with the requirements for vaccine management including:
a) Ordering vaccine and maintaining appropriate vaccine inventories;
b) Not storing vaccine in dormitory-style units at any time;
c) Storing vaccine under proper storage conditions at all times. Refrigerator and freezer vaccine storage units and temperature monitoring equipment and
practices must meet New York State Department of Health storage and handling requirements;
d) Returning all spoiled/expired public vaccines to CDC’s centralized vaccine distributor within six months of spoilage/expiration
10. I agree to operate within the VFC program in a manner intended to avoid fraud and abuse. Consistent with “fraud” and “abuse” as defined in the
Medicaid regulations at 42 CFR § 455.2, and for the purposes of the VFC Program:
Fraud: is an intentional deception or misrepresentation made by a person with the knowledge that the deception could result in some
unauthorized benefit to himself or some other person. It includes any act that constitutes fraud under applicable federal or state law.
Abuse: provider practices that are inconsistent with sound fiscal, business, or medical practices and result in an unnecessary cost to the
Medicaid program, (and/or including actions that result in an unnecessary cost to the immunization program, a health insurance company, or
a patient); or in reimbursement for services that are not medically necessary or that fail to meet professionally recognized standards for health
care. It also includes recipient practices that result in unnecessary cost to the Medicaid program.
11. I will participate in VFC program compliance site visits including unannounced visits, and other educational opportunities associated with VFC
program requirements.
12. For pharmacies, urgent care, or school located vaccine clinics, I agree to:
A. Vaccinate all “walk-in” VFC-eligible children and
B. Will not refuse to vaccinate VFC-eligible children based on a parent’s inability to pay the administration fee.
Note: “Walk-in” refers to any VFC eligible child who presents requesting a vaccine; not just established patients. “Walk-in” does not mean that a provider
must serve VFC patients without an appointment. If a provider’s office policy is for all patients to make an appointment to receive immunizations then the
policy would apply to VFC patients as well.
13. I agree to replace vaccine purchased with state or federal funds (VFC, 317) that are deemed non-viable due to provider negligence on a
dose-for-dose basis.
14. I will report ALL doses administered according to patient’s VFC vaccine eligibility, within two weeks of administration, in the New York State
Immunization Information System (NYSIIS). Providers are required by Public Health Law to report all childhood immunizations to NYSIIS.
I will use the NYSIIS Ordering Module to submit vaccine orders.
I will report vaccine inventory in NYSIIS and ensure that inventory reported with each order reflects current doses administered as reported
I will record twice daily temperatures in NYSIIS.
If my practice uses an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system to report doses administered to NYSIIS, I will ensure that the EMR system
contains the necessary fields required by NYSIIS and can export a data file for submission that uploads all required fields appropriately
into NYSIIS.
15. I understand this facility or the New York State Department of Health may terminate this agreement at any time. If I choose to terminate this
agreement, I will properly return any unused federal vaccine as directed by the New York State Department of Health.
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