Instructions For Form 2848 - Power Of Attorney And Declaration Of Representative - 2012 Page 5


Estate. If there is more than one executor, only one co-executor
i Registered Tax Return Preparer — Enter your PTIN.
having the authority to bind the estate is required to sign. See 26
CFR 601.503(d).
k Student — Enter LITC or STCP.
Employee plan. If the plan is listed as the taxpayer on line 1, a
r Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent — Enter the enrollment card
duly authorized individual having authority to bind the taxpayer
number issued by the Office of Professional Responsibility.
must sign and that individual’s exact title must be entered. If the
trust is the taxpayer listed on line 1, a trustee having the authority to
Students in LITCs and the STCP. You must receive permission
bind the trust must sign with the title of trustee entered. A Form 56,
to practice before the IRS by virtue of your status as a law,
Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship, must also be completed
business, or accounting student working in a Low Income Taxpayer
to identify the current trustee.
Clinic or the Student Tax Clinic Program under section 10.7(d) of
All others. If the taxpayer is a dissolved corporation, decedent,
Circular 230. Be sure to attach a copy of the letter from the Office of
insolvent, or a person for whom or by whom a fiduciary (a trustee,
Professional Responsibility authorizing practice before the IRS.
guarantor, receiver, executor, or administrator) has been appointed,
Note. In many cases, the student practitioner’s authority is
see 26 CFR 601.503(d).
limited (for example, they may only practice under the supervision
Note. Generally the taxpayer signs first, granting the authority and
of another practitioner). At the end of 130 days after input to the
then the representative signs, accepting the authority granted. The
CAF, they are automatically purged from the CAF.
date between when the taxpayer signs and when the representative
subsequently signs must be within 45 days for domestic
Any individual may represent an individual or entity before
authorizations and within 60 days for authorization from taxpayers
personnel of the IRS when such representation occurs
residing abroad. If the taxpayer signs after the representative signs,
outside the United States. Individuals acting as
there is no time requirement.
representatives must sign and date the declaration; leave the
Licensing jurisdiction (state) or other licensing authority column
PIN number. If you are submitting this form electronically through
blank. See section 10.7(c)(1)(vii) of Circular 230.
the IRS’s e-services portal, enter the PIN number you used to sign
the form you submitted electronically on the copy of the form you
retain. You should not provide your PIN number to your
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for
representative(s) or include it on the copy of the form your
the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws.
representative(s) will retain.
Form 2848 is provided by the IRS for your convenience and its use
is voluntary. If you choose to designate a representative to act on
Part II. Declaration of Representative
your behalf, you must provide the requested information. Section
The representative(s) you name must sign and date this declaration
6109 requires you to provide your identifying number; section 7803
and enter the designation (for example, items a-r) under which he
authorizes us to collect the other information. We use this
or she is authorized to practice before the IRS. Representatives
information to properly identify you and your designated
must sign in the order listed in line 2 earlier. In addition, the
representative and determine the extent of the representative’s
representative(s) must list the following in the “Licensing jurisdiction
authority. Failure to provide the information requested may delay or
(state) or other licensing authority‘‘ and ’’Bar, license, certification,
prevent honoring your Power of Attorney designation.
registration, or enrollment number” columns:
The IRS may provide this information to the Department of
Justice for civil and criminal litigation, and to cities, states, the
a Attorney — Enter the two-letter abbreviation for the state (for
District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions to carry out their tax
example, “NY” for New York) in which admitted to practice
laws. We may also disclose this information to other countries
and associated bar or license number, if any.
under a tax treaty, to federal and state agencies to enforce federal
nontax criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement and intelligence
b Certified Public Accountant — Enter the two-letter
agencies to combat terrorism.
abbreviation for the state (for example, “CA” for California) in
You are not required to provide the information requested on a
which licensed to practice and associated certification or
form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form
license number, if any.
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a
form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents
c Enrolled Agent — Enter the enrollment card number issued by
may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue
the Office of Professional Responsibility.
d Officer — Enter the title of the officer (for example, President,
The time needed to complete and file Form 2848 will vary
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average
Vice President, or Secretary).
time is: Recordkeeping, 11 min.; Learning about the law or the
e Full-Time Employee — Enter title or position (for example,
form, 53 min.; Preparing the form, 77 min.; Copying and
Comptroller or Accountant).
sending the form to the IRS, 58 min.
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time
f Family Member — Enter the relationship to taxpayer
estimates or suggestions for making Form 2848 simpler, we would
(generally, must be a spouse, parent, child, brother, sister,
be happy to hear from you. You can write to the Internal Revenue
grandparent, grandchild, step-parent, step-child, step-brother,
Service, Individual and Specialty Forms and Publications Branch,
or step-sister).
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:I, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526,
Washington, DC 20224. Do not send Form 2848 to this address.
g Enrolled Actuary — Enter the enrollment card number issued
Instead, see the Where To File Chart.
by the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries.
h Unenrolled Return Preparer — Enter your PTIN.
Instructions for Form 2848 (Rev. 3-2012)


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