Instructions For Form 2848 - Power Of Attorney And Declaration Of Representative - 2012 Page 3


liabilities, enter both your SSN (or ITIN) and your business EIN as
Note. Representatives will not receive forms, publications, and
your taxpayer identification numbers. If you, your spouse, or former
other related materials with the notices.
spouse are submitting powers of attorney to the CAF in connection
If the representative is a former employee of the federal
with a joint return that you filed, you must submit separate Forms
government, he or she must be aware of the postemployment
2848 even if you are authorizing the same representative(s) to
restrictions contained in 18 U.S.C. 207 and in Circular 230, section
represent you.
10.25. Criminal penalties are provided for violation of the statutory
Corporations, partnerships, or associations. Enter the name,
restrictions, and the Office of Professional Responsibility is
EIN, and business address. If this form is being prepared for
authorized to take disciplinary action against the practitioner.
corporations filing a consolidated tax return (Form 1120) and the
Students in LITCs and the STCP. The lead attorney or CPA
representation concerns matters related to the consolidated return,
must be listed as a representative. List the lead attorney or CPA
do not attach a list of subsidiaries to this form. Only the parent
first on line 2, then the student on the next line. Also see
corporation information is required on line 1. Also, for line 3 only list
Declaration of Representative later, to complete Part II.
Form 1120 in the Tax Form Number column. A subsidiary must file
Line 3. Description of Matters
its own Form 2848 for returns that must be filed separately from the
consolidated return, such as Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise
Enter the description of the matter, and where applicable, the tax
Tax Return, Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment
form number, and the year(s) or period(s) in order for the power of
(FUTA) Tax Return, and Form 941, Employer’s QUARTERLY
attorney to be valid. For example, you may list “Income, 1040” for
Federal Tax Return.
calendar year “2010” and “Excise, 720” for “2010” (this covers all
Exempt organization. Enter the name, address, and EIN of the
quarters in 2010). For multiple years or a series of inclusive
exempt organization.
periods, including quarterly periods, you may list 2008 through (thru
Trust. Enter the name, title, and address of the trustee, and the
or a hyphen) 2010. For example, “2008 thru 2010” or “2nd 2009 -
name and EIN of the trust.
3rd 2010.” For fiscal years, enter the ending year and month, using
the YYYYMM format. Do not use a general reference such as “All
Deceased Individual. For Form 1040: Enter the name and SSN
years,” “All periods,” or “All taxes.” Any power of attorney with a
(or ITIN) of the decedent as well as the name, title, and address of
general reference will be returned. Representation only applies for
the decedent’s executor or personal representative.
the years or periods listed on line 3. Only tax forms directly related
Estate. Enter the name of the decedent as well as the name, title,
to the taxpayer may be listed on line 3.
and address of the decedent’s executor or personal representative.
You may list the current year/period and any tax years or
For Forms 706: Enter the decedent’s SSN (or ITIN) for the taxpayer
periods that have already ended as of the date you sign the power
identification number. For all other IRS forms: Enter the estate’s
of attorney. However, you may include on a power of attorney only
EIN for the taxpayer identification number, or, if the estate does not
future tax periods that end no later than 3 years after the date the
have an EIN, enter the decedent’s SSN (or ITIN).
power of attorney is received by the IRS. The 3 future periods are
Gifts. Enter the name, address, and SSN (or ITIN) of the donor.
determined starting after December 31 of the year the power of
Employee plan. Enter the name, address, and EIN or SSN of the
attorney is received by the IRS. You must enter the description of
plan sponsor. Also, enter the three-digit plan number. If the plan’s
the matter, the tax form number, and the future year(s) or period(s).
trust is under examination, see the instructions relating to trust
If the matter relates to estate tax, enter the date of the decedent’s
above. If both the plan and trust are being represented by the same
death instead of the year or period. If the matter relates to an
representative, separate Forms 2848 are required.
employee plan, include the plan number in the description of the
Line 2. Representative(s)
If the matter is not a tax matter, or if the tax form number, or
Enter your representative’s full name. Only individuals who are
years or periods does not apply to the matter (for example,
eligible to practice before the IRS may be named as
representation for a penalty or filing a ruling request or a
representatives. Use the identical full name on all submissions and
determination letter, or Application for Award for Original
correspondence. If you want to name more than three
Information under section 7623, Closing Agreement on Final
representatives, indicate so on this line and attach an additional
Determination Covering Specific Classification Settlement Program
Form(s) 2848.
(CSP), Form 8952, Application for Voluntary Classification
Enter the nine-digit CAF number for each representative. If a
Settlement Program (VSCP), or FOIA) specifically describe the
CAF number has not been assigned, enter “None,” and the IRS will
matter to which the power of attorney pertains (including, if
issue one directly to your representative. The CAF number is a
applicable, the name of the employee benefit plan) and enter “Not
unique nine-digit identification number (not the SSN, EIN, PTIN, or
Applicable” in the appropriate column(s).
enrollment card number) that the IRS assigns to representatives.
Civil penalty representation (including the trust fund recovery
The CAF number is not an indication of authority to practice. The
penalty). Unless you specifically provide otherwise on line 5,
representative should use the assigned CAF number on all future
representation for return-related penalties and interest is presumed
powers of attorney. CAF numbers will not be assigned for
to be included when representation is authorized for the related tax
employee plans and exempt organizations application requests.
return on line 3. However, if the penalty is not related to a return,
Enter the PTIN, if applicable, for each representative. If a PTIN
you must reference “civil penalties” or the specific penalties for
has not been assigned, but one has been applied for, then write
which representation is authorized on line 3. For example, Joann
‘‘applied for’’ on the line.
prepares Form 2848 authorizing Margaret to represent her before
Check the appropriate box to indicate if either the address,
the IRS in connection with the examination of her 2009 and 2010
telephone number, or fax number is new since a CAF number was
Forms 1040. Margaret is authorized to represent Joann with
respect to the accuracy-related penalty that the revenue agent is
proposing for the 2009 tax year. Similarly, if Diana authorizes John
Check the box on the line for up to two representatives to
to represent her in connection with his Forms 941 and W-2 for
indicate that you want original and other written correspondence to
2010, John is authorized to represent in connection with the failure
be sent to you and a copy to the indicated representative(s). You
to file Forms W-2 penalty that the revenue agent is considering
must check the box next to a representative’s name and address if
imposing for 2010. However, if Diana only authorizes John to
you want to authorize this representative to receive copies of all
represent her in connection with her Form 1040 for 2010, he is not
notices and communications sent to you by the IRS. If you do not
authorized to represent her when the revenue agent proposes to
want any notices sent to your representative(s) then do not check
impose a trust fund recovery penalty against her in connection with
the box. By checking this box you are not changing your last known
the employment taxes owed by the Schedule C business she owns.
address with the IRS. To change your last known address, use
Form 8822 for your home address and use Form 8822-B to change
How to complete line 3. If you are authorizing this
your business address. Both forms are available at Also,
representative to represent you only with respect to penalties and
by checking this box, you are replacing any prior designation of a
interest due on the penalties, enter “civil penalties” on line 3. The
different representative to receive copies of written correspondence
description of matter column and the year(s) to which the penalty
related to the matters designated on line 3.
applies in the year(s) or period(s) column. Enter “Not Applicable” in
Instructions for Form 2848 (Rev. 3-2012)


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