Instructions For Form 2848 - Power Of Attorney And Declaration Of Representative - 2012 Page 2


Revocation of Power of Attorney/
If Form 2848 is for a specific use, mail or fax it to the office
handling the specific matter. For more information on specific use,
Withdrawal of Representative
see the instructions for line 4.
Your representative may be able to file Form 2848 electronically
If you want to revoke an existing power of attorney and do not want
via the IRS website. For more information, go to
and under
to name a new representative, or if a representative wants to
the Tax Professionals tab, click on e-services — for Tax Pros. If
withdraw from representation, mail or fax a copy of the previously
you complete Form 2848 for electronic signature authorization, do
executed power of attorney to the IRS, using the Where To File
not file Form 2848 with the IRS. Instead, give it to your
Chart, or if the power of attorney is for a specific matter, to the IRS
representative, who will retain the document. When a power of
office handling the matter. If the taxpayer is revoking the power of
attorney is mailed or faxed to the IRS using the Where To File
attorney, the taxpayer must write “REVOKE ” across the top of the
Chart, the power of attorney will be recorded on the CAF. Unless
first page with a current signature and date below this annotation. If
when the power of attorney is revoked or withdrawn earlier, a
the representative is withdrawing from the representation, the
power of attorney recorded on the CAF generally will be deleted
representative must write “WITHDRAW ” across the top of the first
from the CAF seven years after it is first recorded. However, you
page with a current signature and date below this annotation. If you
do not have a copy of the power of attorney you want to revoke or
may re-establish the record of the authorization for representation
by resubmitting the power of attorney to the IRS using the Where
withdraw, send a statement to the IRS. The statement of revocation
To File Chart. In the case of a power of attorney held by a student
or withdrawal must indicate that the authority of the power of
of an LITC or an STCP, the CAF record will be deleted 130 days
attorney is revoked, list the matters and periods, and must be
signed and dated by the taxpayer or representative as applicable. If
after it is received and you generally must submit a new power of
the taxpayer is revoking, list the name and address of each
attorney to the IRS if you want to authorize the same student or
recognized representative whose authority is revoked. When the
another student of an LITC or an STCP to represent you.
taxpayer is completely revoking authority, the form should state
“remove all years/periods” instead of listing the specific tax matter,
Authority Granted
years, or periods. If the representative is withdrawing, list the name,
Except as specified below or in other IRS guidance, this power of
TIN, and address (if known) of the taxpayer.
attorney authorizes the listed representative(s) to receive and
Substitute Form 2848
inspect confidential tax information and to perform all acts (that is,
sign agreements, consents, waivers or other documents) that you
The IRS will accept a power of attorney other than Form 2848
can perform with respect to matters described in the power of
provided the document satisfies the requirements for a power of
attorney. However, this authorization, does not include the power to
attorney. See Pub. 216, Conference and Practice Requirements,
receive a check issued in connection with any liability for tax or any
section 601.503(a). These alternative powers of attorney cannot,
act specifically excluded on line 5 of the power of the attorney.
however, be recorded on the CAF unless a completed Form 2848
Additionally, unless specifically provided in the power of attorney,
is attached. See Instruction to Line 4 for more information. You are
this authorization does not include the power to substitute another
not required to sign the Form 2848 when it is attached to an
representative or add another representative, the power to sign
alternative power of attorney that has been signed by you, but your
certain returns or the power to execute a request for disclosure of
representative must sign the Declaration of Representative on the
tax returns or return information to a third party. See instructions to
Form 2848. See Pub. 216, Conference and Practice Requirements,
line 5 for more information regarding specific authorities.
section 601.503(b)(2).
Note. The power to sign tax returns only may be granted in limited
Representative Address Change
situations. See instructions to line 5 for more information.
If the representative’s address has changed, a new Form 2848 is
not required. The representative can send a written notification that
Special rules for registered tax return preparers
includes the new information and the representative’s signature to
and unenrolled return preparers
the location where the Form 2848 was filed.
Registered tax return preparers and unenrolled return preparers
Additional Information
may only represent taxpayers before revenue agents, customer
service representatives, or similar officers and employees of the
Additional information concerning practice before the IRS may be
Internal Revenue Service (including the Taxpayer Advocate
found in:
Service) during an examination of the taxable period covered by the
Treasury Department Circular No. 230, Regulations Governing
tax return they prepared and signed. Registered tax return
the Practice before the Internal Revenue Service (Circular 230),
preparers and unenrolled return preparers cannot represent
taxpayers, regardless of the circumstances requiring
Pub. 216, Conference and Practice Requirements.
representation, before appeals officers, revenue officers, counsel or
similar officers or employees of the Internal Revenue Service or the
For general information about taxpayer rights, see Pub. 1, Your
Department of Treasury. Registered tax return preparers and
Rights as a Taxpayer.
unenrolled return preparers cannot execute closing agreements,
extend the statutory period for tax assessments or collection of tax,
execute waivers, execute claims for refund, or sign any document
Specific Instructions
on behalf of a taxpayer.
A registered tax return preparer is an individual who has passed
Part I. Power of Attorney
an IRS competency test. A registered tax return preparer may
prepare and sign Form 1040 series tax returns as a paid return
preparer. An unenrolled return preparer is an individual other than
Line 1. Taxpayer Information
an attorney, CPA, enrolled agent, enrolled retirement plan agent,
Enter the information requested about you. Do not enter information
enrolled actuary, or registered tax return preparer who prepares
about any other person, including your spouse, except as stated in
and signs a taxpayer’s return as the preparer, or who prepares a
the specific instructions below.
return but is not required (by the instructions to the return or
Individuals. Enter your name, social security number (SSN),
regulations) to sign the return.
individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), and/or employer
If a registered tax return preparer or an unenrolled return
identification number (EIN), if applicable, and your street address or
preparer does not meet the requirements for limited representation,
post office box. Do not use your representative’s address or post
you may authorize the unenrolled return preparer to inspect and/or
office box for your own. If you file a tax return that includes a sole
receive your taxpayer information, by filing Form 8821. Completing
proprietorship business (Schedule C) and the matters that you are
the Form 8821 will not authorize the unenrolled return preparer to
authorizing the listed representative(s) to represent you include
represent you. See Form 8821.
your individual and business tax matters, including employment tax
Instructions for Form 2848 (Rev. 3-2012)


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