Iowa Fuel Tax Return Form - Iowa Department Of Revenue Page 2


81-011 (7/19/06) (81-010b)
Who must file...
All License Types
Line 8: Subtract line 7 from line 5.
All suppliers, restrictive suppliers, blenders and
Diesel Fuel Only
Line 9: Gasoline tax rates:
importers are required to complete and file this return
Line 1: Include diesel fuels suitable for the generation of
7-1-02 through 6-30-03: $.201
with the Department.
power for propulsion of motor vehicles or turbine-
7-1-03 through 6-30-04: $.203
powered aircraft, whether dyed or undyed.
Return is due...
7-1-04 through 6-30-05: $.205
Line 2: Enter the total gross gallons of DYED diesel fuel
For suppliers, restrictive suppliers and blenders the
7-1-05 through 6-30-06: $.207
return plus supporting schedules are due on or before
7-1-06 through 6-30-07: $.210
All Types of Fuel
Line 10: Compute the tax due per fuel type by multiplying
the last day of the month following the month covered
Line 3: Suppliers and blenders: Enter the total invoiced
line 8 by line 9.
by this return.
gross gallons of fuel withdrawn with origin or
Line 11: Add columns A, B, C, D, E, F and G on line 10
For importers, the return is due on or before the last
destination in Iowa in the appropriate columns.
and enter here.
day of the month for fuel imported in the first 15 days
Importers and restrictive suppliers: Enter the
Suppliers and Blenders
of the month and by the 15th day of the following
total gross gallons of fuel brought into Iowa tax
Line 12: Enter the qualified credit.
month for fuel imported after the 15th day of the
Suppliers: Credit for the amount of tax that was not
previous month.
COLUMN G: Include all undyed diesel fuel, kerosene
recovered from an eligible purchaser. To qualify
methanol, soy oil, cooking oil and all combustible
Mail your return to...
for the credit, the supplier must notify the
gases and liquids suitable for the generation of
Department in writing of the uncollectible account
Iowa Department of Revenue
power for propulsion of motor vehicles.
no later than 10 calendar days after the due date
P.O. Box 1792
Suppliers and Blenders Only
for payment of the tax.
Des Moines, IA 50306-1792
Line 4: Enter by fuel type the total gross gallons exported.
Blenders: Credit for tax paid on gasoline used to blend into
Assistance and forms...
gasohol which sales are included in line 3B.
Schedule 81-015 must be included for the return
Complete Schedule 81-015 and 81-018.
Information, forms and assistance are available by
to be considered complete. This amount will be
zero for restrictive suppliers and importers. In
Line 13. Compute the total fuel tax due by subtracting line
12 from line 11.
column G, enter exported undyed special fuels
(515) 281-6447
Line 14: Penalty
or (515) 242-6033
Add 10% to the tax due if you do not file the
or write to:
All License Types
return on time and do not have 90% of the correct
Compliance Division, Fuel Tax Unit
Line 5: Subtract line 4 from line 3.
amount of tax paid by the due date.
Iowa Department of Revenue
Supplier Only
Add 5% of the tax due if you do not pay at least
P.O. Box 10456
Line 6: Distribution allowance. Motor fuel allowance is
90% of the correct amount of tax by the due date.
Des Moines, IA 50306-0456
1.6%. Special fuel allowance is 0.7%.
If more than one penalty applies, the 10%
Line 7: Compute the distribution allowance by multiplying
Address change or cancellation...
penalty is the only one charged.
line 5 by line 6 for each column. The distributor
Line 15: Interest. Compute interest on the tax due on line
Check the box if you are changing the name or address.
purchasing the fuel from the supplier is entitled to
13. Interest accrues on the unpaid tax from the due
Cross out the prior information and print the new name/
1.2% of the motor fuel distribution allowance. The
date of the return. Interest can never be waived.
address beside it.
distributor or dealer purchasing fuel from a
Interest rates can be found at
Note: If you have a new Federal ID number, you will
supplier is entitled to 0.35% of the undyed special
Line 16: Compute the total amount due by adding lines 13,
need to re-apply for a new license.
fuel distribution allowance. The distribution
14, and 15. Method of payment is electronic funds
If you are going out of business, please send notification
allowance does not apply to fuel exported.
transfer. EFT filers need to follow the instructions
under separate cover. You may also call the telephone
in our Electronic Funds Transfer booklet.
numbers listed above.
Line 17: Enter the amount of the EFT payment(s) made for
this tax period.
Amended return...
Line 18: Balance. If greater than zero, please remit payment
Check the box if you are amending a previously-filed
electronically. (If all EFT payments were properly
return. Attach all corrected schedules. Show all figures,
made, the amount on this line should be zero.)
including the ones you are not correcting.


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