Instructions For Form 2106 - Employee Business Expenses - 2006 Page 4


Employees subject to the DOT
Qualified performing artist. You
year you placed the vehicle in
hours of service limits include certain
are a qualified performing artist if you:
service, or
air transportation employees, such as
You leased the vehicle and are
1. Performed services in the
pilots, crew, dispatchers, mechanics,
using the standard mileage rate for
performing arts as an employee for at
and control tower operators;
the entire lease period (except the
least two employers during the tax
interstate truck operators and
period, if any, before 1998).
interstate bus drivers; certain railroad
2. Received from at least two of
You cannot use actual expenses
employees, such as engineers,
those employers wages of $200 or
for a leased vehicle if you previously
conductors, train crews, dispatchers,
more per employer,
used the standard mileage rate for
and control operations personnel; and
3. Had allowable business
that vehicle.
certain merchant mariners.
expenses attributable to the
If you have the option of using
performing arts of more than 10% of
Line 10. If you are one of the
either the standard mileage rate or
gross income from the performing
individuals discussed below, special
actual expense method, you should
arts, and
rules apply to deducting your
figure your expenses both ways to
4. Had adjusted gross income of
employee business expenses. Any
find the method most beneficial to
$16,000 or less before deducting
part of the line 10 total that is not
you. But when completing Form
expenses as a performing artist.
deducted according to the special
2106, fill in only the sections that
rules should be entered on Schedule
In addition, if you are married, you
apply to the method you choose.
A (Form 1040), line 20 (or Schedule
must file a joint return unless you
If you were a rural mail carrier and
A (Form 1040NR), line 9).
lived apart from your spouse for all of
received an equipment maintenance
2006. If you file a joint return, you
Ministers. Before entering your
allowance, see the line 1 instructions.
must figure requirements (1), (2), and
total expenses on line 6, you must
(3) separately for both you and your
For more information on the
reduce them by the amount allocable
spouse. However, requirement (4)
standard mileage rate and actual
to your tax-free allowance(s). See
applies to the combined adjusted
expenses, see Pub. 463.
Pub. 517 for more information.
gross income of both you and your
Armed Forces reservist
Section A—General
(member of a reserve component).
If you meet all the requirements,
You are a member of a reserve
If you used two vehicles for business
include the part of the line 10 amount
component of the Armed Forces of
attributable to performing-arts-related
during the year, use a separate
the United States if you are in the
expenses in the total on Form 1040,
column in Sections A, C, and D for
Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force,
line 24 (or Form 1040NR, line 34),
each vehicle. If you used more than
or Coast Guard Reserve; the Army
and attach Form 2106 to your return.
two vehicles, complete and attach a
National Guard of the United States;
Your performing-arts-related business
second Form 2106, page 2.
the Air National Guard of the United
expenses are deductible whether or
States; or the Reserve Corps of the
Line 11. Date placed in service is
not you itemize deductions.
Public Health Service.
generally the date you first start using
Disabled employee with
your vehicle. However, if you first
If you qualify, include the part of
impairment-related work expenses.
start using your vehicle for personal
the line 10 amount attributable to the
Impairment-related work expenses
use and later convert it to business
expenses for travel more than 100
are the allowable expenses of an
use, the vehicle is treated as placed
miles away from home in connection
individual with physical or mental
in service on the date you started
with your performance of services as
disabilities for attendant care at his or
using it for business.
a member of the reserves on Form
her place of employment. They also
Line 12. Enter the total number of
1040, line 24, and attach Form 2106
include other expenses in connection
miles you drove each vehicle during
to your return. These reserve-related
with the place of employment that
2006. But if you converted your
travel expenses are deductible
enable the employee to work. See
vehicle during the year from personal
whether or not you itemize
Pub. 463 for more details.
to business use (or vice versa), enter
deductions. See Pub. 463 for
If you qualify, enter the part of the
the total miles for only the months
additional details on how to report
line 10 amount attributable to
you drove the vehicle for business.
these expenses.
impairment-related work expenses on
Line 13. Do not include commuting
Fee-basis state or local
Schedule A (Form 1040), line 27 (or
miles on this line; commuting miles
government official. You are a
Schedule A (Form 1040NR), line 16).
are not considered business miles.
qualifying fee-basis official if you are
These expenses are not subject to
See the line 15 instructions for the
employed by a state or political
the 2% limit that applies to most other
definition of commuting.
subdivision of a state and are
employee business expenses.
compensated, in whole or in part, on
Line 14. Divide line 13 by line 12 to
a fee basis.
Part II—Vehicle
figure your business use percentage.
However, if you converted your
If you qualify, include the part of
vehicle during the year from personal
the line 10 amount attributable to the
There are two methods for computing
to business use (or vice versa),
expenses you incurred for services
vehicle expenses —the standard
multiply this percentage by the
performed in that job in the total on
number of months you drove the
mileage rate and the actual expense
Form 1040, line 24, and attach Form
vehicle for business and divide the
method. You can use the standard
2106 to your return. These employee
result by 12.
mileage rate for 2006 only if:
business expenses are deductible
whether or not you itemize
You owned the vehicle and used
Line 15. Enter your average daily
the standard mileage rate for the first
round trip commuting distance. If you


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