Instructions For Form 2106 - Employee Business Expenses - 2006 Page 2


gifts), and amounts of these
Less than or equal to your qualified
maids, stewards or stewardesses and
expenses. Generally, you must also
reimbursements, do not file Form
others on ships, and hotel servants in
have receipts for all lodging expenses
2106 unless you have deductible
foreign countries;
(regardless of the amount) and any
expenses other than vehicle
Transportation between places of
other expense of $75 or more.
expenses. If you have deductible
lodging or business and places where
expenses other than vehicle
meals are taken, if suitable meals can
Additional Information
expenses, skip line 1 and do not
be obtained at the temporary duty
include any qualified reimbursements
site; and
For more details about employee
in column A on line 7.
Mailing cost associated with filing
business expenses, see:
More than your qualified
travel vouchers and payment of
Pub. 463, Travel, Entertainment,
reimbursements, complete Part II of
employer-sponsored charge card
Gift, and Car Expenses.
Form 2106. Enter your total vehicle
Pub. 529, Miscellaneous
expenses from line 29 on line 1 and
Incidental expenses do not include
the amount of your qualified
expenses for laundry, cleaning and
Pub. 587, Business Use of Your
reimbursements in column A on line
pressing of clothing, lodging taxes, or
Home (Including Use by Daycare
the costs of telegrams or telephone
Pub. 946, How To Depreciate
If you are a rural mail carrier
and received a qualified
You can use an optional method
reimbursement, you cannot
(instead of actual cost) for deducting
use the standard mileage rate.
incidental expenses only. The amount
of the deduction is $3 a day for
Specific Instructions
Line 2. The expenses of commuting
incidental expenses paid or incurred
to and from work are not deductible.
for travel away from home in 2006.
See the line 15 instructions for the
Part I—Employee
You can use this method only if you
definition of commuting.
did not pay or incur any meal
Business Expenses and
Line 3. Enter lodging and
expenses. You cannot use this
transportation expenses connected
method on any day you use the
with overnight travel away from your
standard meal allowance (defined in
Fill in all of Part I if you were
tax home (defined next). Do not
the instructions for line 5).
reimbursed for employee business
include expenses for meals and
Line 4. Enter other job-related
expenses. If you were not reimbursed
entertainment. For more details,
expenses not listed on any other line
for your expenses, skip line 7 and
including limits, see Pub. 463.
of this form. Include expenses for
complete the rest of Part I.
Tax home. Generally, your tax
business gifts, education (tuition, fees
home is your regular or main place of
Step 1—Enter Your
and books), home office, trade
business or post of duty regardless of
publications, etc. For details,
where you maintain your family
including limits, see Pub. 463 and
home. If you do not have a regular or
Line 1. If you were a rural mail
Pub. 529.
main place of business because of
carrier, you can treat the amount of
the nature of your work, then your tax
At the time these instructions
qualified reimbursement you received
home is the place where you
went to print, Congress was
as the amount of your allowable
regularly live. If you do not fit in either
considering legislation that
expense. Because the qualified
of these categories, you are
would extend the deductions for
reimbursement is treated as paid
considered an itinerant and your tax
educator expenses and tuition and
under an accountable plan, your
home is wherever you work. As an
fees that expired at the end of 2005.
employer should not include the
itinerant, you are never away from
While certain of these expenses may
amount of reimbursement in your
home and cannot claim a travel
be deductible on Form 2106, it may
expense deduction. For more details
be to your benefit to deduct them on
You were a rural mail carrier if you
on the definition of a tax home, see
your tax return as adjustments to your
were an employee of the United
Pub. 463.
total income. To find out if this
States Postal Service (USPS) who
legislation was enacted, and for more
Generally, you cannot deduct any
performed services involving the
details, go to , click on
expenses for travel away from your
collection and delivery of mail on a
More Forms and Publications, and
tax home for any period of temporary
rural route.
then on What’s Hot in forms and
employment of more than 1 year.
publications, or see Pub. 553,
Qualified reimbursements.
However, this rule does not apply for
Highlights of 2006 Tax Changes.
These are the amounts paid by the
any period in which you were a
USPS as an equipment maintenance
federal employee certified by the
If you are deducting home office
allowance under a collective
Attorney General as traveling in
expenses, see Pub. 587 for special
bargaining agreement between the
temporary duty status for the U.S.
instructions on how to report these
USPS and the National Rural Letter
government to investigate or
Carriers’ Association, but only if such
prosecute a federal crime (or to
If you are deducting depreciation
amounts do not exceed the amount
provide support services for the
or claiming a section 179 deduction
that would have been paid under the
investigation or prosecution of that
for a cellular telephone or other
1991 collective bargaining agreement
similar telecommunications
(adjusted for changes in the
Incidental expenses. The term
equipment, a home computer, etc.,
Consumer Price Index since 1991).
“incidental expenses” means:
see Form 4562, Depreciation and
If you were a rural mail carrier and
Fees and tips given to porters,
Amortization, to figure the
your vehicle expenses were:
baggage carriers, bellhops, hotel
depreciation and section 179


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