Form Tr-2000 - Tax Information Access And Transaction Authorization Form

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TR-2000 (3/12)
Tax Information Access and Transaction Authorization Form
This is not a power of attorney. Do not mail this form to the Tax Department.
Part 1 — Taxpayer information
(if married, each spouse must submit a separate form, even if the spouse files a joint return)
Taxpayer’s SSN or EIN
Taxpayer’s name (first name, middle initial, last name, or legal name of business)
Part 2 — Tax preparer or payroll service provider information, as applicable
Tax preparer’s or payroll service provider’s firm name (or individual’s name if self-employed)
Part 3 — Tax matters covered by this authorization
(select at least one)
The tax preparer or payroll service provider (hereinafter the tax professional), is authorized to receive and access the taxpayer’s tax
information and perform the following transactions online for the tax matter(s) indicated below:
All current and future services
All current and future services
(no other entry is required in Part 3 if this box is marked)
(no other entry is required in Part 3 if this box is marked)
Billing and late filing ...................................................
Billing and late filing ...................................................
Respond to department notice ..................................
Respond to department notice ..................................
Change of address ......................................................
Change of address ......................................................
Manage online payments............................................
Annual transaction information .................................
Tax preparer registration program ............................
Sales tax
file and pay ...............................................
Employment and withholding taxes ..........................
Personal income tax ...................................................
Corporation tax ............................................................
Estimated income tax
(Fiduciaries: see instructions.)
Other taxes ..................................................................
Metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax
File exchange ..............................................................
Part 4 — Expiration date
If the taxpayer wishes to limit the period of time for which this authorization is effective, enter the
Expiration date (mm-dd-yyyy)
expiration date here. This date will be applied to all services selected above. If no date is entered,
this authorization for the services selected above will remain in effect until revoked.
Part 5 — Signature
authorization, will serve as the taxpayer’s signature for such
I certify that I am the individual named in Part 1 above, or, if the
transactions. I further understand and agree that I must examine
taxpayer named in Part 1 is other than an individual, I certify
that I am acting on the taxpayer’s behalf in the capacity of a
the information reported in those transactions and verify that
the information submitted is true, correct, and complete. The tax
corporate officer, partner (except a limited partner), member or
professional has my consent to complete these transactions on
manager of a limited liability company, or fiduciary, and that I
the taxpayer’s behalf. If the transactions include an authorization
have the authority to execute this Tax Information Access and
for an electronic funds withdrawal, I authorize the New York
Transaction Authorization Form on behalf of the taxpayer.
State Tax Department and its designated financial agents to
I understand and agree that by signing and providing this form
initiate an electronic funds withdrawal from the taxpayer’s
to the tax professional, I am authorizing the tax professional to
financial institution account indicated in the transaction, and
access the taxpayer’s account information online and to receive
I authorize that financial institution to debit the entry to the
confidential information from the Tax Department for the tax
taxpayer’s account.
matters authorized on this document.
I understand and agree that I can revoke the tax professional’s
In addition, if I have authorized the tax professional to file returns
access and authority to receive information and execute
or other documents and/or make payments on the taxpayer’s
taxpayer transactions at any time.
behalf online, I understand and agree that the tax professional’s
submission of authorized transactions, together with this signed
Self-selected 5-digit PIN
Retention information
have been completed. If the taxpayer wants to revoke a prior
authorization, access our Web site at or call us at
The tax professional must retain a copy of this authorization form
(518) 485-7884.
for the duration of the authorization plus three years.
The execution of Form TR-2000 does not revoke any power of
No revocation of prior tax information authorization(s)
attorney that is currently in effect for the same tax matters listed
Executing and providing this authorization to the tax professional
in Part 3 above.
does not automatically revoke any prior authorizations that


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