Sales Tax Information Sheet December 2005 Page 13


Of Special Interest
Due dates for filing returns and paying tax are the 20th day of the month
following the reporting period. Any due date which falls on a Saturday, Sunday,
or legal holiday recognized by either the Federal government or State of
Colorado, shall be extended to the first business day following such weekend or
holiday. Returns and payments received or postmarked after the 20th will be
considered late and subject to penalty and interest assessments. A return must
be filed even if no tax is due.
Reporting periods are as follows:
• Annually: A taxpayer whose average monthly tax due over the last
completed fiscal year is less than fifteen dollars ($10) shall file a return
and pay tax annually.
• Quarterly: A taxpayer whose average monthly tax due over the last
completed fiscal year is less than three hundred dollars ($300) but more
than ten dollars ($10) shall file a return and pay tax quarterly.
• Monthly: A taxpayer whose monthly tax due over the last completed fiscal
year is three hundred dollars ($300) or more shall file a return and pay tax
• The reporting period for a Final Return shall end on the date of the
transfer of ownership of the business.
Once a reporting period is established for monthly, quarterly, or annual accounts,
the taxpayer must remit returns and taxes by the 20th of the month following the
reporting period established. In order to change a reporting period, the taxpayer
must submit in writing to the Town Tax Administration Department, a
request for change. The Town will review the account and either deny or approve
the request.
SALES TAX Information Guide
Town of Carbondale
Phone: (970) 963-2733
511 Colorado Avenue
Fax: (970) 963-9140
Carbondale, CO 81623


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