Instructions For Form 8898 Page 4


for Aliens. In that discussion, substitute
received as compensation for personal
considered located in the United States
the name of the possession for “United
services actually rendered, including
(that is, Delaware), even though the
States” and “U.S.” wherever they
the fair market value of all earnings
shares of stock are stored in a safe
appear. Also disregard the discussion
paid in any medium other than cash.
deposit box in a foreign country or
in that chapter about a Closer
Professional fees include all fees
Connection to a Foreign Country.
received by an individual engaged in a
Line 32
professional occupation (such as doctor
or lawyer) in the performance of
A gain is the amount you realize from a
Specific Instructions
professional activities. See chapter 2 of
sale or exchange of property that is
Pub. 570 for information to determine if
more than its adjusted basis. See Pub.
Unless otherwise specified, answers to
you have any earned income from U.S.
544, Sales and Other Dispositions of
questions seeking information for a tax
Assets, for the definitions of amount
year generally refer to the tax year in
realized and adjusted basis.
Lines 12 and 13
which you became (or ceased to be) a
bona fide resident.
Special source rules apply to
See Permanent home, earlier. If you
gains from dispositions of
Name and social security number
have more than one home, your
certain property within 10 years
(SSN). If you file a joint return, enter
principal permanent home is ordinarily
of becoming a bona fide resident of a
only the name and SSN of the spouse
the permanent home you live in most of
U.S. possession. See Special Rules for
whose information is being reported on
the time.
Gains From Dispositions of Certain
Form 8898. If both you and your
Property in Pub. 570 for more
Line 14
spouse are required to file Form 8898,
file a separate Form 8898 for each of
Your immediate family means your
Privacy Act and Paperwork
spouse and minor children.
Reduction Act Notice. We ask for
Line 1
Line 22
this information to carry out the Internal
Check line 1, box a or b, whichever
Revenue laws of the United States.
Under state law, a homestead
applies, and enter the tax year you take
Section 937(c) and its regulations
exemption may:
the position that you became or ceased
require that you give us the information.
1. Protect the owner of real property
to be a bona fide resident of a U.S.
We need it to determine if you are a
from a forced sale or seizure of the
bona fide resident of a U.S.
property from creditors (for example, in
Example. Mr. Grey, a U.S. citizen,
possession. If you do not provide this
a bankruptcy proceeding), or
moved from New York to the U.S.
information or provide false information,
2. Provide a reduction in state or
you may be subject to penalties. We
Virgin Islands on March 1, 2011. To
local real property taxes to qualified
take the position that he became a
may disclose this information to the
Department of Justice for civil and
bona fide resident of the U.S. Virgin
Islands in 2011, Mr. Grey checks box a
criminal litigation, and to cities, states,
In some states, for individuals to
on line 1 and enters ‘‘2011’’ on the line
the District of Columbia, and U.S.
avail themselves of these privileges,
commonwealths and possessions for
state laws require a designation of the
use in administering their tax laws. We
homestead property, the filing or
Line 2
may also disclose this information to
recordation of a declaration to make the
other countries under a tax treaty, to
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you are
exemption operative, or an application
federal and state agencies to enforce
either a nonresident alien or resident
for the homestead tax exemption. If
federal nontax criminal laws, or to
alien of the United States. You are
either of the following apply, answer
federal law enforcement and
considered a resident alien of the
“Yes” on line 22 and indicate the state
intelligence agencies to combat
United States for U.S. tax purposes if
in which such designation, declaration,
you meet either the green card test or
recordation, application, or property tax
You are not required to provide the
the substantial presence test for the
exemption was made.
information requested on a form that is
calendar year (January 1 through
1. You made a designation of
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
December 31). If you do not meet
homestead property or otherwise filed
unless the form displays a valid OMB
either of those tests, you are
or recorded a declaration concerning
control number. Books or records
considered a nonresident alien. For
property under a state homestead
relating to a form or its instructions
more information about these tests, see
exemption law, or
must be retained as long as their
Pub. 519.
2. You applied for or took a
contents may become material in the
homestead tax exemption from state or
Line 4
administration of any Internal Revenue
local property taxes.
law. Generally, tax returns and return
If you checked line 1, box a, enter on
information are confidential, as required
line 4a the exact date (month/day/year)
Lines 26 and 27
by Code section 6103.
you moved to a possession to establish
The average time and expense
See chapter 2 of Pub. 570 for
bona fide residence. If you checked line
required to complete and file this form
information to determine the source of
1, box b, enter on line 4b the exact date
will vary depending on individual
(month/day/year) you moved from the
circumstances. For the estimated
possession to end bona fide residence.
Line 28
averages, see the instructions for your
Example. Mr. Grey, a U.S. citizen,
income tax return.
moved from New York to the U.S.
For stocks and bonds, indicate the
If you have suggestions for making
Virgin Islands on March 1, 2011. Mr.
country of origin of the stock company
this form simpler, we would be happy to
Grey would enter “March 1, 2011” on
or debtor, and for U.S. companies or
hear from you. See the instructions for
line 4a.
debtors, the state or possession of
your income tax return.
incorporation or formation.
Line 8
For example, if you own shares of a
U.S. publicly-traded Delaware
Earned income is wages, salaries,
corporation, the investment is
professional fees, and other amounts
Instructions for Form 8898 (12-2011)


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