Instructions For Form 8898 Page 2


residence. As a result, the amount of
If you do not meet all of the above
Special rule for seafarers. You will
income tax withholding (from Form(s)
conditions, you do not meet the tax
not be considered to have a tax home
W-2, Wage and Tax Statement) that
home and closer connection tests
outside the possession solely because
you are able to claim on your federal
under this exception. Instead, you must
you are employed on a ship or other
return, as well as the need to file a
meet the requirements explained later
seafaring vessel that is predominantly
state or U.S. possession return, may be
under Tax Home Test and Closer
used in local and international waters.
affected. For more information, consult
Connection Test.
For this purpose, a vessel will be
with state, local, or U.S. possession tax
considered to be predominantly used in
Year of the move from Puerto
authorities regarding your tax
local and international waters if, during
Rico. You qualify as a bona fide
obligations under MSRRA.
the tax year, the total amount of time it
resident of Puerto Rico for the part of
is used in international waters and in
Exception for the Year of the
the tax year before the date you moved
waters within 3 miles of the possession
from Puerto Rico if you meet all of the
exceeds the total amount of time it is
following requirements.
An exception applies to the tax home
used in the territorial waters of the
1. You are a U.S. citizen.
and the closer connection tests for the
United States, another possession, or
2. You were a bona fide resident of
tax year you moved to or from the
any foreign country.
Puerto Rico for at least 2 tax years
possession. Under this exception, you
Closer Connection Test
immediately before the tax year of the
satisfy the tax home and the closer
You meet the closer connection test if
connection tests for the tax year of the
3. In the year of the move, you:
you do not have a closer connection to
move if you meet the requirements
a. Ceased to be a bona fide
the United States or a foreign country
explained next.
resident of Puerto Rico, and
than to the U.S. possession.
Also, a special exception applies to
b. Ceased to have a tax home in
the bona fide residence test for the tax
You are considered to have a closer
Puerto Rico.
year you moved from Puerto Rico.
connection to a possession than to the
4. You had a closer connection to
Under this exception, you satisfy the
United States or to a foreign country if
Puerto Rico than to the United States
bona fide residence test for the tax year
you have maintained more significant
or a foreign country during the part of
you moved from Puerto Rico if you
contacts with the possession(s) than
the tax year before the date on which
meet the requirements discussed later
with the United States or foreign
you ceased to have a tax home in
under Year of the move from Puerto
country. Significant contacts that may
Puerto Rico.
be considered include:
The location of:
Year of the move to the possession.
If you do not meet all of the above
You satisfy the tax home and closer
1. Your permanent home,
requirements, you are not a bona fide
connection tests for the tax year you
2. Your family,
resident of Puerto Rico in the year of
moved to the possession if you meet all
3. Your current social, political,
the move under this exception. Instead,
of the following.
cultural, professional, or religious
you must meet the requirements
You were not a bona fide resident of
explained next under Tax Home Test,
the possession in any of the 3 tax years
4. Where you conduct your routine
Closer Connection Test, and Presence
immediately preceding the tax year of
personal banking activities,
the move.
5. The jurisdiction in which you hold
You did not have a tax home outside
a driver’s license, and
Tax Home Test
the possession during any part of the
6. Charitable organizations to which
Under the tax home test, you generally
final 183 days of the tax year of the
you contribute.
cannot have a tax home outside the
The place of residence you designate
possession during any part of the tax
You are a bona fide resident of the
on forms and documents.
year. Your tax home is your regular or
possession for the 3 tax years
Your connections to the possession
main place of business, employment, or
immediately following the tax year of
will be compared to the total of your
post of duty regardless of where you
the move.
connections with the United States and
maintain your family home. If you do
If you do not meet all of the above
foreign countries. Your answers to the
not have a regular or main place of
conditions, you do not meet the tax
questions on Form 8898, Part III, will
business because of the nature of your
home and closer connection tests
help establish the jurisdiction to which
work or because you are not engaged
under this exception. Instead, you must
you have a closer connection.
in a trade or business, then your tax
meet the requirements explained later
Presence Test
home is the place where you regularly
under Tax Home Test and Closer
live. If you do not fit either of these
Connection Test.
You meet the presence test for the tax
categories, you are considered an
year if you meet one of the following
Year of the move from the
itinerant and your tax home is wherever
possession. You satisfy the tax home
you work.
and closer connection tests for the tax
1. You were present in the
Special rules for students and
year you moved from American Samoa,
possession for at least 183 days during
the CNMI, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin
government officials. Disregard the
the tax year.
Islands if you meet all of the following.
following days when determining
2. You were present in the
You were a bona fide resident of the
whether you have a tax home outside
possession for at least 549 days during
possession for the 3 tax years
the possession.
the 3-year period that includes the
immediately preceding the tax year of
Days you were temporarily in the
current tax year and the 2 immediately
the move.
United States as a student (see
preceding tax years. During each year
You did not have a tax home outside
Student defined, later).
of the 3-year period, you also must be
the possession during any part of the
Days you were in the United States
present in the possession for at least
first 183 days of the tax year of the
serving as an elected representative of
60 days.
the possession, or serving full time as
3. You were present in the United
You are not a bona fide resident of
an elected or appointed official or
States for no more than 90 days during
the possession in any of the 3 tax years
employee of the government of the
the tax year.
immediately following the tax year of
possession (or any of its political
4. You had $3,000 or less of earned
the move.
income from U.S. sources and were
Instructions for Form 8898 (12-2011)


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