Instructions For Form 8898


Instructions for Form 8898
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. December 2011)
For use with Form 8898 (Rev. January 2007)
Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S.
Penalty for Not Filing
resident of a U.S. possession after a
Section references are to the Internal
tax year for which you filed a U.S.
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
Form 8898
income tax return as a citizen or
General Instructions
resident of the United States but not as
If you are required to file Form 8898 for
a bona fide resident of the possession.
any tax year, and you fail to file it or do
What’s New
b. You are a citizen or resident of
not include all the information required
the United States who takes the
by the form or the form includes
New filing address. Form 8898
position for U.S. tax purposes that you
incorrect information, you may be
should be filed at the new address
ceased to be a bona fide resident of a
subject to a penalty of $1,000, unless it
provided for the Internal Revenue
U.S. possession after a tax year for
is shown that such failure is due to
Service Center in Philadelphia, PA. See
which you filed an income tax return
reasonable cause and not willful
When and Where To File, later.
(with the IRS, the possession tax
neglect. This is in addition to any
authorities, or both) as a bona fide
criminal penalty that may be imposed.
Military Spouses Residency Relief
resident of the possession.
Act. Under the Military Spouses
Bona Fide Residence
c. You take the position for U.S. tax
Residency Relief Act (MSRRA), the
purposes that you became a bona fide
civilian spouse who accompanies an
resident of Puerto Rico or American
active duty member of the U.S. Armed
You are a bona fide resident of a U.S.
Samoa after a tax year for which you
Forces (servicemember) to a new
possession if you:
were required to file an income tax
military duty station in one of 50 states,
Do not have a tax home outside the
return as a bona fide resident of the
the District of Columbia, or a U.S.
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, or the
possession may choose to keep his or
Do not have a closer connection to
her prior residence or domicile for tax
the United States or to a foreign
purposes. See Special rule for civilian
country than to the possession, and
spouse of active duty member of the
Meet the presence test (defined
When figuring whether your
U.S. Armed Forces, later.
worldwide gross income is more
Special rule for members of the U.S.
Future developments. The IRS has
than $75,000, do not include
Armed Forces. If you are a member
created a page on for more
any of your spouse’s income. If both
of the U.S. Armed Forces who qualified
information about Form 8898, at
you and your spouse are required to file
as a bona fide resident of the
Form 8898, file a separate Form 8898
possession in an earlier tax year, your
about any future developments
for each of you.
absence from that possession during
affecting Form 8898 (such as legislation
Worldwide gross income. Worldwide
the current tax year in compliance with
enacted after we release it) will be
gross income means all income you
military orders will not affect your status
posted on that page.
received in the form of money, goods,
as a bona fide resident. Likewise, being
Purpose of Form
property, and services, including any
in a possession solely in compliance
income from sources outside the United
with military orders will not qualify you
Use Form 8898 to notify the IRS that
States (even if you may exclude part or
as a bona fide resident of that
you became or ceased to be a bona
all of it) and before any deductions,
fide resident of a U.S. possession in
credits, or rebates.
Special rule for civilian spouse of
accordance with section 937(c). See
active duty member of the U.S.
Bona Fide Residence, later. For this
Example. You moved to the CNMI
Armed Forces. If you are the civilian
purpose, the following are considered
in December 2010 but did not become
spouse of an active duty
U.S. possessions: American Samoa,
a bona fide resident of that possession
servicemember, under MSRRA you can
Guam, the Commonwealth of the
until the 2011 tax year. You must file
choose to keep your prior residence or
Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), the
Form 8898 for the 2011 tax year if your
domicile for tax purposes (tax
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the
worldwide gross income for that year is
residence) when accompanying the
U.S. Virgin Islands.
more than $75,000.
servicemember spouse, who is
Who Must File
relocating under military orders, to a
When and Where To File
new military duty station in one of the
You must file Form 8898 for the tax
50 states, the District of Columbia, or a
File Form 8898 by the due date
year in which you meet both of the
U.S. possession. You and your spouse
(including extensions) for filing Form
following conditions:
must have the same tax residence. If
1040 or Form 1040NR. File the form by
1. Your worldwide gross income
you choose to keep your prior tax
itself at the following address:
(defined later) in that tax year is more
residence after such a relocation, the
Department of the Treasury
than $75,000, and
source of income for services
Internal Revenue Service Center
2. You meet one of the following:
performed (for example, wages or
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0549
a. You take a position for U.S. tax
self-employment) by you is considered
purposes that you became a bona fide
to be (the jurisdiction of) the prior tax
Oct 25, 2011
Cat. No. 39789W


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