Instructions For Form 8858 Sheet Page 2


the information is not filed within 90 days
to 1 Japanese Yen). Divide 30,255,400
form) and complete items 1a through 1e
after the IRS has mailed a notice of the
Yen by 118.5050 to determine the U.S.
and 1g.
failure to the U.S. person, an additional
dollar amount to enter on line 7 of
Complete items 3a through 3d, if
$10,000 penalty (per CFC or CFP) is
Schedule H. Enter 118.5050 after the
charged for each 30-day period, or
flush language following line 7.
Complete items 4a through 4c, if
fraction thereof, during which the failure
Electronic Filing of Form 8858
continues after the 90-day period has
File this summary return in the manner
If you file your income tax return
expired. The additional penalty is limited
described in When and Where To File on
electronically, see the instructions for your
to a maximum of $50,000 for each failure.
page 1.
income tax return for general information
Any person who fails to file or report all
about electronic filing.
of the information required within the time
prescribed will be subject to a reduction of
Note. If you are filing Form 1120
Specific Instructions
10% of the foreign taxes available for
electronically, you must attach Form
credit under sections 901, 902, and 960.
8858 electronically (as an attachment to
Important: If the information required in
If the failure continues 90 days or more
your electronically filed Form 5471, Form
a given section exceeds the space
after the date the IRS mails notice of the
8865, or Form 1120). If you are filing
provided within that section, do not write
failure to the U.S. person, an additional
Form 1040, 1041, or 1065 electronically
“see attached” in the section and then
5% reduction is made for each 3-month
(with or without a Form 5471 or Form
period, or fraction thereof, during which
attach all of the information on additional
8865), attach Form 8858 to the applicable
sheets. Instead, complete all entry spaces
the failure continues after the 90-day
Form 8453.
in the section and attach the remaining
period has expired. See section
Computer-Generated Form
information on additional sheets. The
6038(c)(2) for limits on the amount of this
additional sheets must conform with the
8858 and Schedules
IRS version of that section.
Criminal penalties. Criminal penalties
A computer-generated Form 8858 and its
under sections 7203, 7206, and 7207
schedules may be filed if they conform to
Identifying Information
may apply for failure to file the information
and do not deviate from the official form
required by section 6038.
and schedules. Generally, all
Annual Accounting Period
computer-generated forms must receive
Note. Any person required to file Form
Enter, in the space provided below the
prior approval from the IRS and are
8858 and Schedule M who agrees to
subject to an annual review.
title of Form 8858, the annual accounting
have another person file the form and
period of the FDE for which you are
schedules for him or her may be subject
Submit all requests for approval to:
furnishing information. The annual
to the above penalties if the other person
Internal Revenue Service, Attention:
accounting period of an FDE is the annual
does not file a correct and proper form
Substitute Forms Program,
accounting period or taxable year of the
and schedule.
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution
tax owner. Therefore, in the case of a
Avenue NW, IR-6406, Washington, DC
U.S. tax owner, the annual accounting
Other Reporting
period of the FDE is the taxable year of
Important: Be sure to attach the
the U.S. tax owner; and in the case of a
approval letter to Form 8858.
CFC or CFP that is a tax owner, the
Reporting Exchange Rates on
annual accounting period of the FDE is
Every year, the IRS issues a revenue
Form 8858
the annual accounting period of the CFC
procedure to provide guidance for filers of
When translating amounts from functional
or CFP.
computer-generated forms. In addition,
currency to U.S. dollars, you must use the
every year the IRS issues Pub. 1167,
method specified in these instructions.
General Rules and Specifications For
Person Filing This Return
But, regardless of the specific method
Substitute Forms and Schedules, which
In the spaces provided at the top of page
required, all exchange rates must be
reprints the most recent applicable
1 of Form 8858, provide the identifying
reported using a “divide-by convention”
revenue procedure. Pub. 1167 can be
information for the U.S. person filing Form
rounded to at least 4 places. That is, the
ordered by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM
8858 (see definition on page 1).
exchange rate must be reported in terms
(1-800-829-3676). This publication is also
of the amount by which the functional
If a U.S. corporation is the U.S.
available from the IRS website at www.
currency amount must be divided in order
person filing Form 8858 and is a member
to reflect an equivalent amount of U.S.
of a consolidated group, list the common
Dormant FDEs
dollars. As such, the exchange rate must
parent as the person filing the return and
be reported as the units of foreign
Announcement 2004-4, 2004-4 I.R.B.
enter its identifying information in the
currency that equal one U.S. dollar,
357, provides for a summary filing
spaces provided at the top of page 1 of
rounded to at least 4 places. Do not
procedure for filing Form 8858 for a
the form.
report the exchange rate as the number
dormant FDE. A dormant FDE is an FDE
Name Change
of U.S. dollars that equal one unit of
that would be a dormant controlled
foreign currency.
foreign corporation (CFC) if it were
If the name of the person filing the return,
Note. You must round the result to more
treated as a foreign corporation for U.S.
the tax owner, the direct owner, or the
than 4 places if failure to do so would
tax purposes.
FDE whose activities are being reported
materially distort the exchange rate or the
changed within the past 3 years, show the
If you elect the summary procedure,
equivalent amount of U.S. dollars.
prior name(s) in parentheses after the
complete only the identifying information
current name.
Example. During its annual
above Schedule C on page 1 of Form
accounting period, an FDE owned by a
8858 for each dormant FDE as follows:
U.S. person had current income of
The top margin of the summary return
Use the following instructions to complete
30,255,400 Yen on Schedule H, line 6.
must be labeled “Filed Pursuant to
lines 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a, and the entry
The Schedule H instructions specify that
Announcement 2004-4 for Dormant FDE.”
spaces at the top of page 1 of the form for
the filer must translate these amounts into
Include the name, address, identifying
the filer’s address.
U.S. dollars at the average exchange rate
number, and tax year of the U.S. person
for the tax year in accordance with the
filing Form 8858 (see definition on page
U.S. Addresses. Include the suite,
rules of section 989(b). The average
room, or other unit number after the street
exchange rate is 118.5050 Japanese Yen
Include the annual accounting period of
address. If the Post Office does not
to 1 U.S. dollar (0.00843846 U.S. dollars
the dormant FDE (below the title of the
deliver mail to the street address and the


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