Instructions For Form 8858 Sheet


Department of the Treasury
Instructions for Form 8858
Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. December 2007)
Information Return of U.S. Persons
With Respect To Foreign Disregarded Entities
Section references are to the Internal
above Schedule C) and Schedules G and
A domestic trust is any trust if:
H on page 2 of Form 8858. Do not
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
1. A court within the United States is
complete the separate Schedule M. You
able to exercise primary supervision over
General Instructions
are not required to complete Form 8858 if
the administration of the trust and
there is a Category 1 filer of Form 8865
2. One or more U.S. persons have the
that completes the entire Form 8858 and
What’s New
authority to control all substantial
separate Schedule M with respect to the
decisions of the trust.
Final Regulations regarding the dual
consolidated loss rules have been issued.
U.S. Person Filing Form 8858
Note. Complete a separate Form 8858
See Regulations section 1.1503(d)-1
The U.S. person filing Form 8858 is any
and all applicable schedules for each
through 8 for more information.
U.S. person that:
Is the tax owner of an FDE.
Purpose of Form
Owns a specified interest in an FDE
Form 8858 is used by certain U.S.
Exceptions To Filing Form 8858
indirectly or constructively through a CFC
persons that own a foreign disregarded
or a CFP. See items 2 and 3 of Who Must
Multiple filers of the same information.
entity (FDE) directly or, in certain
File above for more detailed information.
In the case of category 4 or 5 filers of
circumstances, indirectly or
Throughout these instructions, when
Form 5471 or category 1 filers of Form
constructively. See U.S. Person Filing
the pronouns “you” and “your” are used,
8865 who are also required to file Form
Form 8858 below. The form and
they are used in reference to the U.S.
8858, one person may file Form 8858 and
schedules are used to satisfy the
person filing Form 8858.
Schedule M, if applicable, for other
reporting requirements of sections 6011,
persons who have the same filing
6012, 6031, and 6038, and related
Foreign Disregarded Entity
requirements with respect to both Form
8858 and Form 5471 or Form 8865. If you
An FDE is an entity that is not created or
and one or more other persons are
Who Must File
organized in the United States and that is
required to furnish information for the
The following U.S. persons that are tax
disregarded as an entity separate from its
same FDE for the same period, this
owners of FDEs (see definitions below),
owner for U.S. income tax purposes
information may be included with or
or that own certain interests in foreign tax
under Regulations sections 301.7701-2
attached to, and filed in the same manner
owners of FDEs, must file Form 8858.
and -3. See the instructions for Form
as, the multiple filer information provided
8832, Entity Classification Election, for
1. U.S. Persons That Are Tax Owners
with respect to the CFC or the CFP. See
more information.
of FDEs at any time during the U.S.
Multiple filers of same information in the
person’s taxable year or annual
Form 5471 instructions or Multiple
Tax Owner of FDE
accounting period. Complete the entire
Category 1 filers in the Form 8865
The tax owner of the FDE is the person
Form 8858, but do not complete the
that is treated as owning the assets and
separate Schedule M.
liabilities of the FDE for purposes of U.S.
When and Where to File
2. Certain U.S. Persons That Are
income tax law.
Required To File Form 5471 With
Form 8858 is due when your income tax
Respect To a Controlled Foreign
Direct Owner of FDE
return or information return is due,
Corporation (CFC) That is a Tax Owner
including extensions. If you are the tax
The direct owner of an FDE is the legal
of an FDE at any time during the CFC’s
owner of the FDE, attach Form 8858 and
owner of the disregarded entity.
annual accounting period:
the separate Schedule M, if required, to
For example, assume A, a U.S.
Category 4 filers of Form 5471.
your income tax return or information
individual, is a 60% partner of CFP, a
Complete the entire Form 8858 and the
return. If you are not the tax owner of the
controlled foreign partnership. FDE 1 is a
separate Schedule M.
FDE, attach Form 8858 to any Form 5471
foreign disregarded entity owned by CFP,
or Form 8865 you are filing with respect
Category 5 filers of Form 5471.
and FDE 2 is a foreign disregarded entity
to the CFC or the CFP that is the tax
Complete only the identifying information
owned by FDE 1. In this example, FDE 1
owner of the FDE.
on page 1 of Form 8858 (i.e., everything
is the direct owner of FDE 2, and CFP is
above Schedule C) and Schedules G and
the direct owner of FDE 1. CFP is the tax
H on page 2 of Form 8858. Do not
owner with respect to both FDE 1 and
complete the separate Schedule M.
FDE 2. A would be required to file the
U.S. person
Forms 8858 relating to FDE 1 and FDE 2
3. Certain U.S. Persons That Are
with the Form 8865 it files with respect to
A U.S. person is:
Required To File Form 8865 With
Respect To a Controlled Foreign
A citizen or resident alien of the United
Partnership (CFP) That is a Tax Owner
States (see Pub. 519, U.S. Tax Guide for
of an FDE at any time during the CFP’s
Aliens, for guidance on determining
annual accounting period:
resident alien status),
Failure to file information required by
Category 1 filers of Form 8865.
A domestic partnership,
section 6038(a) (Form 8858 and
Complete the entire Form 8858 and the
A domestic corporation,
Schedule M).
separate Schedule M.
Any estate (other than a foreign estate,
A $10,000 penalty is imposed for each
Category 2 filers of Form 8865.
within the meaning of section
annual accounting period of each CFC or
Complete only the identifying information
7701(a)(31)(A)), and
CFP for failure to furnish the required
on page 1 of Form 8858 (i.e., everything
Any domestic trust.
information within the time prescribed. If
Cat. No. 38123Q


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