Office Referral Form Page 7


also require parents’ signatures on calendar pages, assignment book pages, or detention slips at
their own discretion.
4. Music/ Physical Education/ and Library- Students are expected to maintain appropriate
behaviors in all areas of the building and in all classes. Teachers may elect to send their
classroom behavior charts with their students to music, physical education, and library. In this
way, the teachers of the elective classes will be able to track student behaviors and
communicate this information efficiently to the classroom teachers. A classroom teacher may
elect instead to send a clipboard for tracking student behavior or receive slips from the elective
teachers communicating the infractions and allowing the classroom teacher to change the color
placements of students when they return from electives.
5. Office Referrals- When a student is referred to the office for a major behavior infraction, when
possible, the teacher should complete a referral slip to accompany the student or should
complete a referral slip and send it with another student soon after the student is sent to the
office. The office will complete the referral slip and send it back with the student so the teacher
is aware of the disciplinary measure that will take place as a result of the major behavior
infraction and the office referral.
6. Referral for Behavior Plan Development- When a teacher believes a student is not succeeding
within the Tier I building-wide discipline system, the teacher should complete an RTI referral
form for behavior. An RTI coordinator (either the principal or guidance counselor) will contact
the teacher to schedule an IAT meeting with the teacher(s), parents, principal, and the student
when possible.
7. Positive Reinforcement System- It is our belief that a balanced discipline system does not
depend exclusively on positive punishment (providing a negative consequence for unwanted
behaviors), but also includes positive reinforcement (rewarding the demonstration of wanted
behaviors). For this reason, the school will establish and maintain a building-wide positive
reinforcement system that utilizes a token economy. Students will be able to earn tokens for
certain types of positive behaviors, which may include staying on green for the day, helping
other students, demonstrating outstanding positive behavior, and for some students making
progress within an individualized behavior plan. Tokens can then be redeemed for rewards
chosen by the students. Once earned, tokens will not be taken away for future negative


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