Office Referral Form Page 6


The Color Chart- All classrooms will use and maintain an approved color chart that matches the
building-wide discipline plan color chart system. The classroom color charts may be color
circles, pocket charts, hanging charts, or other types of charts, as long as they follow the same
color system and appropriately serve the purpose of reminding students visually of their current
standing within the color chart system. A description of the colors and their meanings follows:
a. Green- The student is meeting behavioral expectations.
b. Yellow- The student has changed colors due to one minor behavioral infraction. The
student will lose five minutes of their fifteen minute recess.
c. Orange- The student has changed colors twice due to two minor behavioral infractions
or on significant behavioral infraction. The student will lose ten minutes of their fifteen
minute recess.
d. Red- The student has changed colors three times due to three minor behavioral
infractions or a mixture of one or more significant behavioral infractions. Also, a
student will be moved to red for one major behavioral infraction that results in an office
referral. If a student is moved to red for a combination of minor behavioral infractions,
then the student will receive a lunch detention for a time the teacher deems to be
appropriate for the offense(s). The disciplinary measure resulting from an office referral
supersedes any other disciplinary measures and should not be considered to be an
addition to the disciplinary measures of the color chart system. Example: If a student is
referred to the office for fighting, and the student is suspended, then the student will
not be expected to additionally lose part of their recess unless loss of recess is part of
the disciplinary measures resulting from the office referral.
*All students will have their color reset to green at the beginning of each school day.
2. Tracking of the Color Chart System- Teachers will establish and maintain a method for tracking
the color each student ends with at the end of each school day. This information should be
communicated to parents on a regular basis. The recommended method for communicating
this information to parents is through a monthly calendar page with each day reflecting the
color on which the student ended the day. An alternative to this method for some grades may
include representing the color on the pages of the students’ assignment book (planner or
3. Communication with Parents- It is our belief that parents play an integral role in addressing
inappropriate student behavior, and that the best way for parents to participate in the process
is to maintain open and predictable forms of communication with parents. Parents will receive
communication in the form of a color chart calendar or color representation in students’
assignment books. Additionally, teachers should attach detention slips to either the monthly
calendar or assignment book pages when a lunch detention is issued. In the event that an
infraction cannot be adequately described on the detention slip, the teacher should send an
accompanying note to the parents explaining why the child received a detention. Teachers may


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