Office Referral Form Page 5


Building-Wide Rules:
The following rules are building-wide shared rules:
Students should walk in the hallways.
Students should stay quiet in the hallways.
Students should walk in single-file lines along the right side of the hallway.
Students should keep their hands to themselves in the hallways.
Students should be polite and show respect to other students and staff.
Students who have permission to go to the restroom, get a drink, or go to their locker should
return to class immediately after completion
Students are expected to come to class with all needed materials and completed homework.
Building-Wide Recess Rules:
The following rules are building-wide shared recess rules:
Students can only run in the grass (not on the mulch or blacktop).
Students must sit while on a swing.
Students cannot flip over the bars.
Students can only use the equipment the way it is supposed to be used.
Students must stay outside the yellow lines.
Students must not slide tackle or kick high on the soccer fields.
Students must wear a coat when it is cold.
Students should not grab or hold other students.
Building-Wide Rules for Bus-Waiting
Students waiting in the cafeteria for buses should have work to do or borrow a book from the
Students are expected to follow all other school rules during bus waiting.
Students in bus waiting will receive five minutes of lunch detention for minor behavior
infractions (similar to a change on the color chart in class), and these infractions will be logged
on a bus waiting clipboard.


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