Office Referral Form Page 2


The purposes for a clear and consistent building-wide discipline policy are to help ensure the safety of all
students and staff, reduce disruptions to the educational process, and prepare students for participation
as citizens of a democratic society.
The management of students’ behavior is a constant and significant part of a teacher’s time. Reducing
instances of behavioral issues allows the teacher to focus more attention on instruction and less time on
dealing with behavioral disruptions to the educational process. Having a building-wide disciplinary
system increases students’ and parents’ awareness of behavioral expectations and consequences and
reduces subjectivity in the disciplinary process. Instead of students and parents relearning a new set of
rules, policies, and expectations each school year, a building-wide disciplinary system allows parents and
students to be aware of behavioral expectations from the first day of each school year.
In order to reduce ambiguity in the building-wide discipline plan, it is important to define some relevant
Bullying- When one or more students are repeatedly exposed to intentionally negative actions from
another student or group of students over time. The action is intended to cause physical or emotional
harm, is repetitive in nature, and is the result of an imbalance of power between the bully and the
Minor Behavioral Infractions- Behavior infractions that may result in a change of color on the behavioral
color chart. These infractions should not be confused with major behavior infractions that may result in
immediate referral to the principal’s office. A list of some common minor behavioral infractions follows:
Talking in the hallway
Shouting out in class without raising hand
Running in areas where students should walk
Breaking classroom rules
Chewing gum outside of the classroom (and in classrooms where gum is not allowed)
Saying something mean to another student
Breaking other building rules
* This should not be construed as a complete list of minor behavioral infractions.
Major Behavioral Infractions- Behavioral infractions that may result in immediate referral to the
principal’s office. A list of some common major behavioral infractions follows:
Fighting (physical)
Use of profanity


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