Coordinated Services Team Initiative (Cst) Page 5


REDISCLOSURE NOTICE: The information that I authorize to be released may be redisclosed by the recipient of
the records only if allowed by law. If information is redisclosed, the recipient of the redisclosed information may be
controlled by different laws.
Right to Inspect or Copy the Health Information to be Used or Disclosed – I understand that I have the right to
inspect or copy the health information I have authorized to be used or disclosed by this authorization form. I may
arrange to inspect my health information or obtain copies of my health information by contacting (insert your
agency’s name and contact information here).
Right to Receive Copy of this Authorization – I understand that if I agree to sign this authorization, I will be
provided with a copy of it.
Right to Refuse to Sign This Authorization – I understand I am under no obligation to sign this form and that the
person(s) and/or organization(s) listed above who I am authorizing to use and/ or disclose my information may not
condition treatment, payment, enrollment in a health plan or eligibility for health care benefits on my decision to sign
this authorization. (Exception: To provide care that is done solely for the purpose of creating information to release
to another party, in which case care cannot be provided without authorizing disclosure. Authorization is needed to
release information to payers for certain mental health services and HIV testing. If I refuse to sign the authorization
form for this purpose, I understand I may be responsible for paying the entire bill for these services.)
Right to Revoke This Authorization –I understand written notification is necessary to cancel this authorization.
To obtain information on how to withdraw my authorization or to receive a copy of my withdrawal, I may contact the
(insert your agency’s name and contact information here).. I am aware that my withdrawal will not be effective
as to uses and/or disclosure of my health information that the person(s) and/or organization(s) listed above have
already made in reference to this authorization.
Expiration date: This authorization is good until one year from the date signed.
I have had an opportunity to review and understand the content of this authorization form. By signing this
authorization, I am confirming that it accurately reflects my wishes.
Signature of Child Listed on Page 1 of this Document
Signature required for release of AODA information if 12 years old or over. Exception: outpatient or
detoxification records shall be disclosed only with the consent of the minor if the minor is 12 years or older,
and the minor was the only one to consent to the AODA treatment.
The release of mental health treatment records requires the signature of either a minor over 14 or their
parent or guardian.
Signature of Individual Authorizing Release (If signed by other than client, state relationship & authority to do so)
( ) Parent
( ) Guardian ( ) POA for HealthCare
( ) Spouse/Adult Family Member of Deceased Patient
All treatment records or spoken information which in any way identifies a client (patient) are considered confidential
and privileged to the subject individual in compliance with s.51.30, Wis. Stats., DHS 92, Wis. Admin. Code, 42 CFR
Part 2, and 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164. Disclosure without written client (patient) consent or statutory authority is
prohibited by law.
Module 2
Page 22


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