Coordinated Services Team Initiative (Cst) Page 2


Service Provider Information
Does the child have a Mental Health diagnosis?
If yes, please complete the remainder of the referral form, including the Severe Emotional
Disturbance (SED) Checklist (Appendix A).
If no, please complete the remainder of the referral form, and disregard the Severe Emotional
Disturbance (SED) Checklist (Appendix A).
Mental Health Provider: ________________________________________________
Contact Person: ________________________ Phone Number: _______________
Describe Involvement: _________________________________________________
Is the child involved with the Juvenile Justice system,
Child Protective Services (CPS), or Alcohol/Other Drug Abuse (AODA)services?
If yes, please complete the provider information below and attach documentation of services
(can obtain through the family’s social worker).
If no, please continue with “Educational Provider” information.
Juvenile Justice, CPS, or AODA Service Provider:__________________________
Contact Person: ________________________ Phone Number: ________________
Describe Involvement: _________________________________________________
Educational Provider:__________________ Special Education?
Contact Person: _______________________ Phone Number: ________________
Describe Involvement: _________________________________________________
Other Agency/Provider:__________________ Phone Number: ________________
Contact Person: ________________________
Describe Involvement: _________________________________________________
Module 2
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