Form 5434 - Application For Enrollment - Joint Board For The Enrollment Of Actuaries


Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
OMB Number
Application for Enrollment
(March 2014)
For Joint Board Use Only
The application fee is $250. To apply and pay the application fee electronically, visit
Enrollment number
Date enrolled
Alternatively, complete this form and enclose with your check or money order for $250, payable to
the Internal Revenue Service, and submit by regular or overnight mail.
If using regular mail, address to: Internal Revenue Service; PO Box 301510; Los Angeles, CA 90030-1510.
If using overnight mail, address to: Internal Revenue Service, PO Box 301510; 19220 Normandie Avenue, Suite B; Torrance, CA 90502.
Read the instructions on page 3 before completing this form.
Full legal name
Last name
b. First name
c. Middle name or initial
Other names used
3. Business name
(including maiden name and dates used)
(if using business address)
4a. Address
b. City
c. State
d. ZIP code
(number, street, suite or apt)
Email address
6. Daytime telephone number 7. Social Security Number 8. Date of birth
Which one of the following describes your enrollment status? (Check one)
I am applying for enrollment for the first time.
I applied for enrollment previously but was not granted enrollment. Provide details on a separate page.
I was enrolled previously but my enrollment was terminated or I resigned my enrollment. (If your resignation or the
termination of your enrollment was related to a disciplinary matter, contact the Executive Director before completing this
application.) Provide details on a separate page.
10. How many months of responsible experience did you report on Schedule
A (Employment Record)?
(A) Responsible actuarial experience (from item 6(A) for all blocks of Schedule
(B) Responsible pension actuarial experience (from item 6(B) for all blocks of Schedule
11. On what basis did you satisfy the basic actuarial knowledge requirement of section 901.12(c)?
(Complete either A or B, as applicable)
Joint Board EA-1 examination(s)
Name(s) of exam(s), month(s) and year(s) completed
Date waiver received
Waiver of Joint Board EA-1 examination(s)
Qualifying formal education
Organization basic examination
12. When did you satisfy the pension actuarial knowledge requirement of section 901.12(d) (EA-2 examination(s))?
Name(s) of exam(s), month(s) and year(s) completed
13. Have you read and are you familiar with the Joint Board regulations?
If No, provide details on a separate page.
14. Have you timely filed your Federal tax returns and timely paid your Federal taxes for the three tax years
preceding your date of application?
If No, provide details on a separate page.
15. In the last 15 years or since your 18th birthday, if sooner, have you ever been convicted or fined for a crime
under any revenue law or of a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust?
If Yes, provide details on a separate page.
Declaration and Signature
I hereby apply to be an enrolled actuary. I authorize the Joint Board to inquire about my qualifications and experience from educational institutions,
employers, supervisors, actuarial organizations, and any other individuals who may have knowledge related to my qualifications and experience. I
authorize all such institutions, employers, supervisors, organizations and others to provide any information requested concerning my education,
employment experience and qualifications as an actuary.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
16. Signature
17. Date signed
Catalog Number 42528L
(Rev. 3-2014)


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