Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection Day Page 2


4. Study the pig's appendages and examine the pig's toes. Count and record the number
of toes the pig has.
Number of toes: ____________
5. Locate and LABEL the umbilical cord in the above image. There are three openings in
the umbilical cord. The largest is the umbilical vein, which carries blood from the
placenta to the fetus. The two smaller openings are the umbilical arteries, which carry
blood from the fetus to the placenta.
6. Go to the aforementioned website (link @ top of this worksheet) and click on “Photo 1
labeled” under the heading “Photographs below.” Study the ventral surface of the pig
and note the tiny bumps called mammary papillary (aka nipples). These are present in
both sexes. In the female these structures connect to the mammary glands.
7. “Photo 1 labeled” and “Photo 2 labeled” are both female pigs. “Photo labeled 3” and
“Photo labeled 4” are both male pigs. Describe the anatomical differences between
male and female pigs based on these four photos. Hint: look at the location of the
urogenital opening, as well as the urogenital papilla, scrotum, and penis.
8. Now scroll down to the heading “Mouth and Neck Region” and click on the “labeled
photo”. This photo shows you the pig’s mouth that has been cut open. Examine the
tongue and note tiny projections called sensory papillae. What do you think is the
function of the sensory papillae?
9. Observe the palate on the roof of the mouth. The anterior part of the palate is the
hard palate, while the posterior part is the soft palate. What do you think is the
difference between the hard and soft palate?


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