2001 Estimated Income Tax Instructions And Worksheet


Ohio Estimated Income Tax Instructions and Worksheet
Who Must File Income Tax Declarations?
Fiscal year taxpayers must file a declaration on the
fifteenth day of the fourth month following the begin-
You must file an estimated Ohio income tax declara-
ning of their fiscal year. Send at least 22.5% of the
tion, Form IT-1040 ES if:
estimated Ohio taxes due with this declaration. Sub-
you estimate that your 2001 Ohio taxes after
sequent payments are due on the fifteenth day of the
withholding will be more than $500 and
sixth and ninth months after the start of the fiscal year
4 your 2001 withholding will be less than 90%
and the fifteenth day of the first month of the follow-
of your 2001 estimated tax liability and
ing fiscal year.
4 your 2001 withholding will be less than 100%
of the 2000 tax as reported on the 2000 Ohio
Personal and Dependency Exemptions
income tax return.
You may claim the same number of exemptions for
Exceptions are as follows:
Ohio that you claimed on your Federal Income Tax
(A) Residents of Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Penn-
Return. You and your spouse are each entitled to a
sylvania or West Virginia who only earn wage
personal exemption of $1,100. In addition, you may
income in Ohio. Residents of these states are
claim a $1,100 exemption for each of your depen-
not subject to the withholding of Ohio income
(B) Farmers and fishermen may use the same op-
Joint and Separate Returns
tion method for filing Form IT-1040 ES that they
use for filing their federal declaration of estimated
Your Ohio filing status will be the same one used for
federal purposes except if you claimed "qualifying
(C) Non-residents of Ohio who receive income from
widow(er) with dependent child" you have a single
a pass-through entity (i.e., partnership, sub "S"
filing status for Ohio. If you file a joint return for fed-
corporation or limited liability company) which
eral purposes, you must file a joint return for Ohio
withholds Ohio tax from pass-through income
AND that withholding exceeds 90% of the esti-
Address Change
mated Ohio tax.
Time and Place for Filing and Payment
Complete the address change form included in your
packet if you have a change of name or address.
A calendar year taxpayer must file a Declaration of
Estimated Individual Income Tax on or before April
Interest Penalty
16, 2001. Send at least 22.5% of the estimated Ohio
taxes due with this declaration. You may choose to
If you underpay your estimated taxes, an interest
pay the entire amount of your estimated liability with
penalty shall be added to your taxes for the tax year
the declaration. Also, you may apply the entire amount
the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of
of your credit carryover to the declaration. Subsequent
the Ohio Revised Code upon the amount of under-
payments are due:
payment. (See Form IT-2210 to see if an interest pen-
alty is due.) The current rate is 9%.
June 15, 2001
of the estimated tax due
less amounts already paid.
Credit Card Payments
Sept. 17, 2001 67.5% of the estimated tax due
You can use your Discover/Novus, Master Card or
less amounts already paid.
American Express card to pay your estimated Ohio
income taxes. Credit card payments may be made
by telephone by calling 1-800-2PAY-TAX or over the
Jan. 15, 2002
of the estimated tax due
less amounts already paid.
Internet by visiting and
clicking on the "Payment Center" link. There is a con-
Make checks payable to the Treasurer of State of
venience fee for this service. This fee is paid directly
Ohio. Mail your Form IT 1040 ES with payment to:
to Official Payments Corporation based on the amount
of your tax payment.
Ohio Department of Taxation
P.O. Box 1460
Do not file a paper estimated tax voucher if you use
Columbus, OH 43216-1460
this method of payment. For more details, please re-
fer to the 2000 Ohio Income Tax Return booklet.


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