Exercise Worksheet: Cause And Effect Essays Page 3


(c) Read through the following passage, underlining causes and highlighting
I woke up late this morning because my alarm clock did not ring. As a result, I
had to rush to get ready for school and I made a huge mess all over the house. I
missed the bus because I had to go back home to fetch my cellphone.
Consequently, I was late for school, and my lecturer was not pleased with me at
all. Due to the fact that my day had been going so badly, I was in a bad mood and
I shouted at my friends. Since I was in such a bad mood, they didn’t want to hang
out with me and they left. After they left, my day only got worse. In view of all
that happened today, I’ve decided that I need two alarm clocks instead of one, to
make sure I wake up on time in the mornings.
Now, tabulate your causes and the related effects using a table similar to the one
eg. My alarm clock did not ring.
I woke up late.
(d) You have been given a cause and its effects. Link the cause and its effects using
a few sentences. Remember to use your linking words.


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