Seller'S Counteroffer To Contract Of Sale Of Real Estate - Oklahoma Real Estate Commission Page 2

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Property Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Note: If this page is not filled out, then the Buyer has not countered and this page shall NOT apply and may be removed.
Date of Buyer’s Counter ____________________, 20 _____.
1. COUNTER. The undersigned Buyer(s) agrees to the Seller’s Counteroffer on Page 1 EXCEPT FOR the Buyer’s following deletions,
amendments or modifications:
(Where appropriate, reference should be made by number to the specific paragraph of the Contract of Sale of Real Estate, Seller’s Counteroffer
and, if included, Financing Supplemental Agreement which is amended or modified—please number each item.
Contract of Sale of Real Estate: __________________________________________________________________________________
Financing Supplemental Agreement:______________________________________________________________________________
2. OTHER TERMS. All the other terms and conditions of the attached Contract of Sale of Real Estate and, if included, the Financing
Supplemental Agreement and Seller’s Counteroffer on Page 1 shall remain the same. In the event of a conflict between the terms and
conditions in Seller’s Counteroffer and the terms and conditions of the attached Contract of Sale of Real Estate and, if included, Financing
Supplemental Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Buyer’s Counter shall govern.
3. The Buyer and Seller authorize their respective Brokers, if applicable, to accept delivery of acceptance of offer, counteroffer or Buyer’s
4. ACCEPTANCE TIME. The foregoing Buyer’s Counter is made subject to acceptance in writing by Seller, and the return of an executed
copy to Buyer’s Broker, if applicable, on or before ______ ____.m.,
___________________, __________________________________,
20__________, at which time this counter will terminate, unless withdrawn prior to acceptance or termination.
_________________________________________________ Buyer
(Print or Type Buyer’s Name)
_________________________________________________ Buyer
(Print or Type Buyer’s Name)
_________________________________________________ Buyer
(Print or Type Buyer’s Name)
5. SELLER’S ACCEPTANCE OF BUYER’S COUNTER. Seller accepts the foregoing Buyer’s Counter and agrees to sell the above-
described Property on terms and conditions set forth in the Buyer’s Counter.
Accepted this date _______________________________________________________, 20___________, at ______________ ____.m.
_________________________________________________ Seller
(Print or Type Seller’s Name)
_________________________________________________ Seller
(Print or Type Seller’s Name)
_________________________________________________ Seller
(Print or Type Seller’s Name)
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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