Biomedical Equipment Information Form


Atlantic Veterinary College - Biomedical Equipment Information Form
1) Purchase Initiator
AVC Dept:___________________________________ Name: ____________________________________
Phone #:_________________________ Fax #:_______________________ Date:________________
2) To be completed by vendor or purchase initiator - Forward copy with purchase requisition to
purchasing office
Model: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________
Contact Person _____________________________
Contact Person:_________________________
To which applicable safety standard is the equipment certified: CSA/UL Canada/Entella Other:_______________
Are service manuals included in the purchase price? Yes/No Cost: $______________ Part #________________
(Except for unusual circumstances service manuals must be obtained with initial purchase)
Warranty Period: _______ Months/Years
Are all accessories included in warranty (probes, etc)? Yes/No
Does warranty include Parts? Yes/No
Labour? Yes/No
Onsite service? Yes/No
Special installation requirements (power, water, ventilation, gasses, etc) _________________________________
Any additional warranty details: (preventative maintenance, etc.) _______________________________________
Vendor installs equipment? Yes/No
Is technical support available? Yes/No
Tech support #________________
Is factory service training available? Yes/No
Additional cost for training: $______________
If service contract purchased after warranty period:
Cost of service contract: $___________________
Contract details: Period of coverage ______ Months/Years
Are any items not covered? Yes/No
Additional contract details _________________________________________________________________
If service contract not purchased after warranty period:
Hourly rate for service: $_________/hr
Additional travel charges for service: $____________
Date: _______________________
3) Internal: Purchaser to complete at time of installation/delivery and forward to Biomedical Engineering
UPEI Purchase Order Number: ________________ Amount: $_______________ Date Received: ______________
Serial #_____________________ Model (if different than above):___________________ Location: ____________
Description: __________________________________________________________________________________
Software Version (if applicable): __________________ Individual Responsible: ____________________________


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