Waste Tire Management Fee Exempt Purchase Certificate Form - 2004 Page 2


MT-171 (9/04) (back)
General information
(6) Motor-assisted bicycles: bicycles that have a small motor
attached that do not qualify for registration as limited-use
When the waste tire management fee was originally enacted, it
motorcycles, motorcycles, or ATVs.
applied to new tires sold on or after September 12, 2003, that were
(7) Vehicles that run only upon rails or tracks.
for use on cars, trucks, motor homes, buses, and trailers, or any
other vehicle that could qualify for registration under section 401 of
(8) Aircraft.
the Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL).
(9) Equipment excluded from the definition of trailer under
Vehicle and Traffic Law section 156 (e.g., a welder mounted
Beginning September 19, 2004, the fee is expanded to include new
on a chassis or an air compressor mounted on wheels).
tires sold for use on: cars, trucks, motor homes, buses, and trailers,
or any other vehicle that could qualify for registration under section
Governmental entities and certain other exempt
401 of the VTL; motorcycles that could qualify for registration under
section 410 of the VTL; limited-use vehicles as defined in section
Sales to the following are exempt from the waste tire
121-c of the VTL that could qualify for registration under section
management fee:
2261 of the VTL; and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) as defined in
• the state of New York, its agencies, instrumentalities and
section 2281 that could qualify for registration under section 2282
political subdivisions;
of the VTL.
• the United States, its agencies and instrumentalities;
Consequently, the waste tire fee now applies to new tires sold for
• limited dividend housing companies exempt under
use on nearly all self-propelled or towed vehicles that could be
section 93(1) of the Private Housing Finance Law; and
registered for any reason. (Refer to Tires for exempt vehicles below
for information on vehicles that are exempt.) The fee also applies to
• nonprofit property and casualty insurance companies exempt
new tires sold with a new or used vehicle, including spare tires,
under section 6707 of the Insurance Law.
whether they are full-size or for emergency use only.
Documentation of exempt sales
The fee does not apply to recapped or resold (used) tires, or to
If you are purchasing new tires for either resale or installation on an
mail-order, phone-order, or Internet sales in which the tires are
exempt vehicle, you must complete this form and give it to the
delivered to the purchaser by the U.S. Postal Service or a common
seller at the time of purchase.
If you are purchasing new tires for a governmental entity, you may
Exempt sales
provide a governmental purchase order or other appropriate
governmental document as proof of an exempt purchase, or you
The following sales of new tires are not subject to the waste tire
may complete this form and give it to the seller at the time of
management fee.
Tires for resale
If you are purchasing new tires for a limited dividend housing
New tires that are purchased solely for the purpose of resale are
company or a nonprofit property/casualty company, you must give
not subject to the waste tire management fee at the time of
the seller a copy of your sales tax exemption letter issued by the
purchase for resale. A purchase of new tires by a dealer of used
Tax Department.
vehicles for installation on a vehicle that will be sold by the
dealer is a purchase for resale and is not subject to the waste
The seller should obtain a completed exemption certificate from the
tire management fee at the time of purchase by the dealer.
purchaser as proof that the sale is exempt from the waste tire
Similarly, a dealer of new vehicles purchasing new tires for
management fee. In the absence of this certificate, the seller must
installation on a new vehicle prior to delivery to a customer is
obtain other documentation that the sale was exempt.
purchasing for resale.
New tires purchased for installation on leased vehicles or rental
vehicles are not purchased for resale.
Need help?
Tires for exempt vehicles
Internet access:
New tires purchased for use on, or as part of, the following
(for information, forms, and publications)
vehicles are not subject to the fee:
Fax-on-demand forms:
1 800 748-3676
(1) Electrically driven mobility-assistance devices operated or
Telephone assistance is available from 8:00
to 5:00
driven by persons with a disability.
(eastern time), Monday through Friday.
(2) Go-carts: small motorized devices with four wheels created
To order forms and publications:
1 800 462-8100
for off-road use that cannot be registered as either a motor
Business Tax Information Center:
1 800 972-1233
vehicle or ATV.
From areas outside the U.S. and outside Canada:
(518) 485-6800
(3) Golf carts.
Hearing and speech impaired (telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) callers only): 1 800 634-2110 (8:00
to 5:00
eastern time).
(4) Go-peds: devices, like a skateboard or scooter, that have a
Persons with disabilities: In compliance with the Americans with
motor attached and a handle for a standing rider.
Disabilities Act, we will ensure that our lobbies, offices, meeting
(5) Mini-bikes: small motorized devices with two wheels created
rooms, and other facilities are accessible to persons with
disabilities. If you have questions about special accommodations for
for off-road use that do not qualify as limited-use
persons with disabilities, please call 1 800 972-1233.
motorcycles, motorcycles, or ATVs.


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