Form W-1 Kira - Quarterly Withholding Tax Return For Employers Claiming The Kentucky Industrial Revitalization Act Credit Page 2

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A licensee claiming a KIRA employer withholding occupational tax credit based upon an economic development
inducement arising from an approved project, pursuant to KRS 154.26, shall file the following information quarterly
with the Louisville Metro Revenue Commission:
The total amount of the licensee’s approved tax credit inducement (one fifth of the total state and local
inducement) was $_________________, and the date upon which the project was approved was
The date when the licensee made the first tax credit claim upon the inducement was
The tax credits claimed arising from the inducement for all quarters prior to the quarter indicated on the first
page of this form was $____________________.
The amount, if any, by which the local inducement has been reduced because the licensee has taken part
of its state inducement as a credit on its corporate income tax is $______________________.
The KIRA tax credit claimed on Form W1-KIRA arising from the inducement for the quarter indicated on
the first page of this form is $_____________________.
The total remaining occupational tax credits arising from the inducement which the licensee claims is
available to it after recognition of the tax credit claimed for the quarter indicated on the first page of this
form is $______________________.
The base number of employees in Louisville Metro, Kentucky, prior to the approved project and of the
number of new Louisville Metro jobs upon which the inducement was calculated was __________, and of
the licensee’s current number of employees at the end of the quarter indicated on the first page of this form
is ____________.
I have attached the name, Kentucky residential address, and social security number of each employee who, during the
quarter indicated on the first page of this form, was employed by the licensee primarily to work on the approved project
and who was subject to Louisville Metro withholding tax, and upon whose employer tax withholding the KIRA tax credit is
I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the activity engaged in by the licensee with respect to which a KIRA tax
credit is claimed was during the quarter indicated on the first page of this form a “service or technology" activity within the
meaning of KRS 154.26-010 and was the activity as described at the time the KIRA project was approved.
I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the licensee either (i) engages in no business in Kentucky other than that of
the approved KIRA project, or (ii) keeps an account of receipts of the licensee arising from its approved KIRA project as
distinct from all other receipts of the licensee.
I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that I have examined the above information and that it is true, correct and
complete to the best of my knowledge, and that this company has met the requirements of the KIRA project.
Title: _______________________
Signature of Chief Financial Officer
Date: _______________________
Print Name of Chief Financial Officer


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