Confidential Employee Corrective Action Form

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Confidential Employee Corrective Action Form
Unsatisfactory Conduct
Unsatisfactory Performance
Employee Name ________________________________________ Date _____________________
Employee Number ____________________________ DOH: ___________ Location ___________
Type of Action Warranted:
Policy Violation or Performance Issue – Listed below is the policy(s) that was violated, date, and
time or standard of performance that you have not met.
Conduct that was observed and/or substantiated:
Below are areas of your performance/conduct which need to improve to Satisfactory level or better
and suggestions for improvement or immediate action that needs to take place.
If performance and/or conduct does not improve, further disciplinary action could occur up
to and including termination. ________
employee initials
List all previous warning(s):
Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________
Type: ________________ Type: ________________ Type: ________________
Employee Signature ______________________________________
This information has been reviewed with me
Supervisor Signature ______________________________________
Administrator/Mgr Signature___________________________________ Date ______________
HR 200


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