Agency Registration Agreement To View Records Online Form - Volusia County Clerk Of Court Page 2

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4. The undersigned affirms the contact and other information on this Agreement
is correct. If Agency needs to designate a different Gatekeeper or update
contact information, Agency must provide an updated request on a form
provided by Clerk, which, upon submission to Clerk, is incorporated in this
5. Clerk Responsibilities
a. Clerk will endeavor to provide uninterrupted access to the site, which may
be interrupted for maintenance, network or power failures, or security
b. Clerk will provide the Gatekeeper with a unique login ID and password and
directions on how to change the password; assign additional login IDs and
passwords as requested by Gatekeeper; and process other Gatekeeper
requests for Agency’s individual users. Contact
for help
with the site.
c. Clerk will maintain and modify the site as required by AOSC15-18.
6. Agency Responsibilities
a. To provide Gatekeeper oversight and compliance of the Gatekeeper’s
responsibilities as set forth below.
b. To provide updated contact information for Agency by submitting a
Request Form.
c. For understanding that paper or electronic documents may not be
immediately available online after they are filed with Clerk.
d. To the extent Agency has authority to and does view confidential
information in the electronic court record, Agency shall take all steps
necessary to prevent public access to the confidential information.
e. To not use or permit others to use information obtained from this site for
commercial or resale purposes and know that all activity on this site will be
tracked and monitored by Clerk to enforce this provision.
To provide computer hardware and software and/or making modifications
to existing equipment for access to the site.
7. Gatekeeper Administration
The Gatekeeper is charged with the following responsibilities:
a. Managing the eligible user accounts for Agency, including adding or
requesting eligible users to be added by utilizing Clerk’s authorized
Gatekeeper Management Request form.
b. Ensuring on a continual basis that all individuals with user accounts are
eligible users.
c. Immediately removing or notifying Clerk when any individual user has
ceased to be an eligible user.
Agency Registration Agreement
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