Application For Certificate Of Registration For Foreign Limited Liability Company, Form Ra-1 - Registered Agent Written Consent Page 2


District of Columbia Government
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington DC 20090
RA-1. Registered Agent Written Consent
Use this form to appoint a Registered Agent for an entity. Choose Option A or B, but not both. There is no filing fee for this form.
Under DC Official Code (DCOC) Titles 29 and 41, a Registered Agent (RA) must be
A bona fide resident of the District of Columbia (District), or
A for-profit corporation, authorized by articles of incorporation or certificate of authority to act as agent.
Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) may not act as RAs. Entities may not act as their own RAs.
A. By a District Of Columbia resident: I, a bona fide District resident, consent to act as a RA for the entity below.
Name of Resident
Address of Resident
Entity Name
B. By a legally authorized corporation: The authorized corporate Registered Agent in the District, by the signatures of its President/Vice-
President and Secretary/Assistant Secretary, agrees to act as RA for the entity below.
Name of Corporation
Entity Name
President or Vice-President
Secretary or Assistant Secretary
If you sign this form, you agree that you understand that anyone who makes a false statement anywhere on it can be
punished by criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC § 22-2405.
Mail all forms and required payment to:
For overnight delivery send to:
Corporate Bank of America
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Attention: DC Government
Corporations Division
Wholesale Lockbox #92300
PO Box 92300
Mail Code MD4-301-18-04
Washington, DC 20090
225 North Calvert Street – 18
Phone: (202) 442-4432
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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