Modafinil (Provigil) - Medical Necessity Request Form Page 2


Member Name: ______________________________ Member ID: ________________ Member DOB: ________________
Drug Name: _____________________________ Strength: _______________ Directions: ______________________________________
Physician Name: __________________________ Physician Phone #: _________________________ Specialty: _____________________
Physician Fax #: _____________________ Pharmacy Name: ____________________________Pharmacy Phone: __________________
□ Depression
a. Does the member have associated fatigue? Yes or No
b. Has member tried and failed an SNRI? Yes or No
- If no, Can member try an SNRI (Venlafaxine, Duloxetine)? Yes or No
- If yes, please call the prescription into the member’s pharmacy
- If no, please provide the clinical reason why
c. Has member tried and failed an SSRI? Yes or No
- If No, Can member try an SSRI (Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Fluvoxamine, Sertraline, Citalopram,
Escitalopram)? Yes or No
- If yes, please call the prescription into the member’s pharmacy
- If no, please provide the clinical reason why
d. Will member be receiving Provigil in combination with SSRI? Yes or No
e. Does member have residual symptoms (i.e. fatigue, hypersomnolence)? Yes or No
□ Mild
□ Moderate
□ Severe
f. What is the severity of the depression?
□ Other: ______________________________________________________________
Physician office's signature*_________________________________ Print Name________________________________
*Form must be completed and signed by physician or licensed representative from the physician’s office
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Rev. 03/16
HNJH Fax #: 888-567-0681


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