Form LP 109
January 2005
Filing Fee: $50
Submit in duplicate. Payment must be
made by certified check, cashier’s check,
Illinois attorney’s check, Illinois C.P .A.’s
check or money order, payable to
Secretary of State.
Please do not send cash.
File # __________________________
Assigned by Secretary of State
Department of Business Services
Limited Partnership Division
357 Howlett Building
Springfield, IL 62756
Illinois Secretary of State
Department of Business Services
a. Application to Reserve Name
b. Cancellation of Reserved Name
c. Transfer of Reserved Name
(Illinois or Foreign LP or LLLP)
Please type or print clearly.
1. Limited Partnership Name to be reserved for a period of 90 days:
(Must contain the words “Limited Partnership,” “Limited Liability Limited Partnership,” “L.P .,” “LP ,” “LLLP” or “L.L.L.P .,”
and cannot contain the words “Company,” “Corporation,” “Incorporated,” “Inc.,” “Co.” or “Corp.”)
2. Applicant Name:
3. Applicant Address:
Street Address
City, State, ZIP , County
4. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, Sections 108 and 109 of the Uniform Limited Partnership Act, the
undersigned hereby applies for the reservation of the above Limited Partnership name for a period of 90 days.
Date (month, day, year)
Signature of Applicant
Name & Title (type or print)
Applicant Name if a Limited Partnership
Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. November 2007 – 200 – CLP 27.2