Making Babies Science Worksheets Page 7


"Birth Notice"
(Circle or fill in the appropriate *information for either F1 or F2 child)
This is to announce the birth of _____________________________a delightful little boy/girl.
proud parents are _________________________ and _________________________. The
baby has ____________ hair and will grow to be quite short/average/tall. Naturally, he/she
can/cannot roll his/her tongue. This brown/green/blue eyed, color blind/color-sighted baby with
his/her type _________ blood will be a welcome addition to the family. With/without his/her
widow's peak, fine/bushy eyebrows and large/medium/small nose, there is no doubt that this
cute, dimpled/not dimpled little bundle O'Joy is bound for fame and fortune. To be sure, he/she
resembles _____________________________more than _____________________________.
Draw a picture of your child at the age of 15 years in the space above


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