Making Babies Science Worksheets Page 2


If you are heterozygous (one capital letter and one lowercase letter), then you MUST
flip a coin to determine which allele your kid will get. If the coin lands on Heads, then
write the dominant allele on the egg/sperm chart. If the coin lands on Tails, then
write the recessive allele on the egg/sperm chart.
You will make two (2) copies of your egg/sperm — one is to keep for your kid; one is to
give away to place in an egg or sperm bank. Put identical information on both columns.
Cut out gamete 2 from your egg or sperm charts and bring it to the Egg Bank or the Sperm
Get a sperm or egg from the other bank a go back to your seat.
Paste the egg/sperm that you just picked up from the bank on the page called "My Baby".
Figure out the phenotype (how your baby will look) from the now-complete genotype. Use
the Master chart again for help.
10. Draw a picture of the lil' nipper with the appropriate characteristics and then make out your
birth announcement and share with all your friends and loved ones...
11. Hand in the following charts:
Egg/Sperm Chart,
My Baby Chart, and
Birth Notice
EXTRA CREDIT: Using the same procedure as before, determine the gamete chromosome for
your F1 generation and list this in the data table.
12. Repeat steps 2 - 10 for your baby's egg/sperm.


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