Form Corp - P06 - Deposit In Lieu Of Surety Bond Form Page 2


It is agreed between the parties:
1. Subject to the provisions of the Agreement, the Deposit is to provide financial surety for the discharge
by the Registrant of any and all monetary obligations and liabilities as a Private Child Support
Enforcement Agency registered in Texas that arise from any and all acts or omissions under or
relating to Chapter 396 of the Texas Finance Code or any regulations, rules, or orders issued or
promulgated pursuant thereto.
2. The person for whose benefit the Deposit is made must have lived in the State of Texas when his or
her claim arose or when he or she contracted with the Registrant.
3. The Deposit may be exchanged from time to time for other Deposit of an equal value that qualifies
under the provisions of the law relating to the Deposit, the substituted Deposit to be with joint written
approval of the Commissioner, Registrant, and Custodian.
4. All interest or dividends on the Deposit will be payable to or in accordance with the instructions of
the Registrant, unless the Commissioner gives contrary notice in writing to the Custodian. The
Commissioner's notice will be effective two business days after the Custodian actually receives the
5. The original principal amount of the Deposit deposited under the terms of this Agreement (plus
interest accruing after the effective date of any notice given in accordance with paragraph 4 above)
will be controlled exclusively by the Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner, who has the right
from time to time to withdraw it. Any withdrawal request from the Commissioner must be either:
in writing and supported by a certified copy of an order of a court of competent
jurisdiction; or
by an original or certified copy of a written order of the Commissioner containing
the Commissioner's signature.
A withdrawal by the Commissioner under this section will satisfy any liability the Custodian has to the
Commissioner and will relieve the Custodian of all liability to Registrant for the amounts withdrawn.
6. If the Registrant will:
faithfully conform to and abide by the provisions of the Code;
honestly and faithfully apply all funds received and perform all obligations and
undertakings under the Code; and
pay to the Commissioner for the benefit of any person all money that becomes due
and owing to such person under and by virtue of the provisions of the Code;
then the Commissioner will have no further right in or claim to the Deposit covered by this
Agreement, and must, by written order containing the signature of the Commissioner, notify the
Custodian of the termination of the Commissioner’s rights in the Deposit. Unless the Custodian
receives an original or a certified copy of a written order from the Commissioner containing the
CORP – P06 [04/13]
Texas Department of Banking
Page 2


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