PO B ox 2 0047, 2 211 B rant S treet, B urlington, O N,
L 7P 0 A4
Standard P hoto a nd V ideo R elease F orm f or M inor C hildren
I hereby authorize Morning Rain Publishing to publish the photographs and videos taken of me
and/or the undersigned minor children, and our names, for use in Morning Rain Publishing’s
printed p ublications, w ebsite a nd a nd o ther s ocial n etworks ( Facebook, T witter, G oogle+, L inkedIn,
and o thers).
I release Morning Rain Publishing from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned
minor children and myself, and attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the children listed
below, and that I have the authority to authorize Morning Rain Publishing to use their
photographs, v ideos a nd n ames.
I acknowledge that since participation in publications, websites, and other social networks
(Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and others) produced by Morning Rain Publishing is
voluntary, n either t he m inor c hildren n or I w ill r eceive f inancial c ompensation.
I f urther a gree t hat p articipation i n a ny p ublication, w ebsite, a nd o ther s ocial n etworks ( Facebook,
Twitter, G oogle+, L inkedIn, a nd o thers) p roduced b y M orning R ain P ublishing c onfers n o r ights o f
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liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the
participation o f t he u ndersigned m inor c hildren.
Signature: _ ______________________________ D ate: _ _______________________________
Name a nd r elationship t o m inor: _ __________________________________________________
Street A ddress: _ ________________________________________________________________
City, P rovince, P ostal C ode: _ ______________________________________________________
Phone n umber & e mail a ddress: _ __________________________________________________
Names a nd A ges o f M inor C hildren:
Name: _ __________________________________________________ A ge: _ _______________
Name: _ __________________________________________________ A ge: _ _______________
Name: _ __________________________________________________ A ge: _ _______________
Name: _ __________________________________________________ A ge: _ _______________