Form Tc-721 - Exemption Certificate Page 2

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Commercials, Films, Audio and Video Tapes
Telecommunications Equipment, Machinery or
I certify that purchases of commercials, films, prerecorded video
tapes, prerecorded audio program tapes or records are for sale or
I certify these purchases or leases of equipment, machinery, or
distribution to motion picture exhibitors, or commercial television or
software, by or on behalf of a telephone service provider, have a
radio broadcasters. If I subsequently resell items to any other
useful economic life of one or more years and will be used to enable
customer, or use or consume any of these items, I will report any tax
or facilitate telecommunications; to provide 911 service; to maintain
liability directly to the Tax Commission.
or repair telecommunications equipment; to switch or route
telecommunications service; or for sending, receiving, or transport-
Alternative Energy
ing telecommunications service.
I certify the tangible personal property meets the requirements of
Utah Code §59-12-104 and is leased or purchased by or for an
alternative energy electricity production facility, a waste energy
I certify the tangible personal property leased satisfies the following
production facility, or a facility that produces fuel from alternative
conditions: (1) the property is part of a sale-leaseback transaction;
(2) sales or use tax was paid on the initial purchase of the property;
and, (3) the leased property will be capitalized and the lease
Locomotive Fuel
payments will be accounted for as payments made under a financ-
I certify this fuel will be used by a railroad in a locomotive engine.
ing arrangement.
Research and Development of Alternative Energy
Prosthetic Devices
I certify the prosthetic device(s) is prescribed by a licensed
physician for human use to replace a missing body part, to prevent
I certify the tangible personal property purchased will be used in
research and development of alternative energy technology.
or correct a physical deformity, or support a weak body part. This is
also exempt if purchased by a hospital or medical facility. (Sales of
Life Science Research and Development Facility
corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses are taxable.)
I certify that: (1) the machinery, equipment and normal operating
repair or replacement parts purchased have an economic life of
Out-of-State Construction Materials
three or more years for use in performing qualified research in Utah;
I certify this tangible personal property will be shipped out of state
or (2) construction materials purchased are for use in the construc-
and will become part of real property located in a state that does not
tion of a new or expanding life science research and development
have a sales tax or allow credit for tax paid to Utah.
facility in Utah.
Construction Materials Purchased for Airports
Mailing Lists
I certify the construction materials are purchased by, on behalf of, or
I certify the printed mailing lists or electronic databases are used to
for the benefit of Salt Lake International Airport, or a new airport
send printed material that is delivered by U.S. mail or other delivery
owned or operated by a city in Davis, Utah, Washington or Weber
service to a mass audience where the cost of the printed material is
County. I further certify the construction materials will be installed or
not billed directly to the recipients.
converted into real property owned by and located at the airport.
Semiconductor Fabricating, Processing or Research
Agricultural Producer
and Development Material
I certify the items purchased will be used primarily and directly in a
I certify the fabricating, processing, or research and development
commercial farming operation and qualify for the Utah sales and
use tax exemption. This exemption does not apply to vehicles
materials purchased are for use in research or development, manufac-
required to be registered.
turing, or fabricating of semiconductors.
Tourism/Motor Vehicle Rental
Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Provider
I certify the motor vehicle being leased or rented will be temporarily
I certify these sales are to or by an aircraft maintenance, repair and
used to replace a motor vehicle that is being repaired pursuant to a
overhaul provider for the use in the maintenance, repair, overhaul or
repair or an insurance agreement; the lease will exceed 30 days;
refurbishment in Utah of a fixed-wing, turbine-powered aircraft that
the motor vehicle being leased or rented is registered for a gross
is registered or licensed in a state or country outside Utah.
laden weight of 12,001 pounds or more; or, the motor vehicle is
being rented or leased as a personal household goods moving van.
Ski Resort
This exemption applies only to the tourism tax (up to 7 percent) and
I certify the snow-making equipment, ski slope grooming equipment
the short-term motor vehicle rental tax (Transportation Corridor
or passenger rope-ways purchased are to be paid directly with
Funding – 2.5 percent) – not to the state, local, transit, zoo, hospital,
funds from the ski resort noted on the front of this form.
highways, county option or resort sales tax.
Machinery or Equipment Used by Payers of
Textbooks for Higher Education
Admissions or User Fees
I certify that textbooks purchased are required for a higher educa-
I certify that: (1) the machinery or equipment has an economic life
tion course, for which I am enrolled at an institution of higher educa-
of three or more years and will be used by payers of admissions or
tion, and qualify for this exemption. An institution of higher educa-
user fees (Utah Code §59-12-103(1)(f)); (2) the buyer is in the
tion means: the University of Utah, Utah State University, Utah
amusement, gambling or recreation industry (NAICS Subsector
State University Eastern, Weber State University, Southern Utah
713); and (3) at least 51 percent of the buyer’s sales revenue for the
University, Snow College, Dixie State University, Utah Valley Univer-
previous calendar quarter came from admissions or user fees.
sity, Salt Lake Community College, or the Utah System of Technical
Film, Television, Radio
I certify that purchases, leases or rentals of machinery or equip-
ment will be used by a motion picture or video production company
for the production of media for commercial distribution.
Print Form
Purchaser must provide sales tax license number in the header on page 1.
NOTE TO PURCHASER: You must notify the seller of cancellation, modification, or limitation of the exemption you have claimed.
Questions? Email, or call 801-297-2200 or 1-800-662-4335.
IMPORTANT: To protect your privacy, use the "Clear form" button when you are finished.
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