Blue Medical Form Page 2


Name of Student Athlete: _____________________________
Date of Birth: __________________________________
Date of Physical Exam/Sport exam: _____________________
Name of Child’s Doctor: ______________________________
Phone: _________________________________
In order for your child to participate in the above named athletic/sport program, a physical examination MUST have been
completed within thirty six (36) months prior to the start of the sport. Her/his health condition at the time must have
been found acceptable for participating in this sport.
Does your child have any allergies? No___ Yes___ if Yes, list allergy ______________________________________
Has you child ever had to carry a bee sting kit, an EPIPEN, or other allergy medication?
No___ Yes___ if yes, name of medication: __________________________________________________________
** if yes, medication and doctor’s authorization must be given to the coach before participation.
Does your child have Asthma/wheezing? Yes___ No___ Does your child currently, or in the past year, or for sports use an inhaler or other
Medication for Asthma? Yes___ No___ If Yes, name of Medication: ______________________________________________________________
** if yes, medication and doctor’s authorization must be given to the coach before participation**
Does your child wear contacts: __ Braces __ Loose Tooth __ False Teeth __ Hearing Aid __
Does your child take medication every day? No___ Yes___ If yes, names of medication: _______________________________________________
For female students: are you pregnant? Yes__ No__ If yes, doctor’s note needed to participate
Kidney problems, only one kidney or kidney disease? Yes__ No__ if yes, Explain: ___________________________________________________________
Problems with bruising or bleeding easily or trouble stopping bleeding? Yes__ No__ if yes, explain: _____________________________________________
Seizures, Epilepsy or Convulsion? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________________
Diabetes, low blood sugar or high blood sugar? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: ________________________________________________________________
Fainting Spells? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Mononucleosis? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Have a concussion, head injury, been knocked out or unconscious? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain:_________________________________________________
High blood pressure, heart problems, chest pain, or shortness of breath? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: ____________________________________________
A serious eye injury? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________
A spine, neck, back injury, or any other injury? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain _________________________________________________________________
Bone, joint, neck or back pain? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: ______________________________________________________________________________
A broken bone, fracture, sprain or strain ankle, foot or knee problems? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: _____________________________________________
Any hospital admissions or surgery? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain; _________________________________________________________________________
Any other health problems? No__ Yes__ if yes, explain: ________________________________________________________________________________
To the bes of my knowledge, the medical history that I supplied above is correct and accurate. I understand that if any change in my child’s health status occurs since
completing this form or during his/her participation in this sport, I will notify my child’s physician, the sport coach and the school nurse of any health status change.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Phone Numbers where parent can be reached during sports: (H)________________________ (W)________________________(C)___________________


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