Form Fm-1104 - Request For Travel Expense Advance/reimbursement Page 2

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Actual expenses for travel outside of Miami-Dade County, excluding registration and tuition, may be approved up to $ 2,500. Expenses
exceeding $2,500. must be approved by the Superintendent of Schools (no exceptions).
For airline tickets and car rental credit card, a purchase requisition for each is required, issued to the Board approved vendor (consult the
Department of Procurement Management for proper vendor). Refer to the Travel Policies and Procedures Manual for details.
Request authorization for ___________________________________________________ to use a rental car while on leave in the performance of
(Employee's Name)
official duties (employees should use sub-compact models whenever possible).
The following conditions justify this request (check one):
____________________ A rental car is more cost-effective than other ground transportation.
____________________ The amount of materials/equipment precludes use of other ground transportation.
____________________ No other transportation is reasonably available at the time(s)/location(s) required.
____________________ Other __________________________________________________________________________________________
Supervisor of Employee
Authorized for travelers on official business for an amount not to exceed the estimated out-of-pocket reimbursable expenses when approved by
the Superintendent of Schools or designee.
When it is determined that a privately owned vehicle represents the most economical method of travel (considering travel time, cost of
transportation, and per diem or subsistence required) the traveler shall be entitled to a reimbursement allowance per mile. Please refer to the
Travel Policies and Procedures Manual for allowance amounts.
A meal allowance is granted for employees in out-of-county travel status. Please refer to the Travel Policies and Procedures Manual for
allowance amounts and limitations.
A per diem allowance is granted for employees under certain assignment travel conditions. Please refer to the Travel Policies and Procedures
Manual for details.
All receipts pertaining to a particular expense report must be submitted neatly taped (do not overlap receipts) to an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper,
accompanying this form, in order to process your reimbursement.
FM-1104 Rev. (10-07)


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