Babysitting Permission Form
This form is
for ICC to Babysit your child(ren)
Please hand in prior to or bring along to Babysitting Night! Thank You!
Children(s) Name(s) & Birth Date(s):
Parent/Guardian’s Name
Home Phone:
Cell Phone(s):
Place of Destination(s):
Destination(s) Phone Number (Optional)
Est. Return Time:
Individuals in Charge:
Tracy Duske
I, ____________________________, grant permission for ____________________________
Parent/Guardian Name
Child’s Name
to participate in the above named activity and I warrant that my child is in good health. In
consideration of my child’s participation, I agree to indemnify the Immaculate Conception Church
and the Archdioceses of St. Paul/ Minneapolis from any claims of law suits brought against the
Immaculate Conception Church/Archdiocese of St Paul/Minneapolis by myself, my child or
others, that arises of any behavior by my child at the event/activity described above. I also agree
to pay reasonable attorney’s fees or expenses incurred by the Immaculate Conception Church
and Archdiocese in defense of such a claim/law suit.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event of an emergency, I give permission to
transport my child to a hospital for emergency medical treatment. I wish to be advised prior to
any further treatment by a doctor or hospital. In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to
reach me at the above number, contact
______________ ________________.
Medication my child is taking at present: _________________________________
My Child is allergic to: _______________________________________________
Family Health Plan Carrier Number:_____________________________________
Family Doctor:______________________________________________________
As Parent or guardian, I agree to all of the above stated considerations and conditions.