Child’s Name: __________________________ DOB _________________ Age ________
Chief Complaint: _______________________________________________________
PRIMARY PHYSICIAN: ________________________________________________
Hearing History
1. Do you have concerns about your child’s hearing?
If yes, briefly explain ___________________________________________________________
2. Does anyone in the child’s immediate or extended family (blood relation) have hearing loss
that began before the age of 30? Relation ________
3. Does your child wear hearing aids or use an auditory trainer? (Circle one, if yes)
Pregnancy and Birth History
1. Was the pregnancy/delivery of this child abnormal in any way?
If yes, please explain ____________________________________________________________
2. Did your child stay in the NICU for any duration after birth?
3. Was there a history of drug use or STD during pregnancy?
If yes, please explain ____________________________________________________________
Speech/Language History
1. Do you have any concerns about your child’s speech and language?
If yes, please explain ____________________________________________________________
2. Is your child currently receiving speech therapy?
Medical History
1. Do you have any medical concerns about your child?
If yes, briefly explain ____________________________________________________________
2. Please check if your child has had any of the following:
Ear infections _____
Meningitis _____
Seizures _____
Ear Surgery _____
Measles _____
Kidney Problems _____
Hospitalization _____
Mumps _____
Vision Problems _____
Head Trauma/Injury _____
Chicken Pox _____
Allergies _____
Noise exposure (e.g. farm equipment, loud music) _____
Asthma _____
3. Is your child in any pain? If so, rate from 1 to 10 (10 being most severe) _____
4. Is your child on any medications? If so, please list _________________________________
5. Were you taking any medications while pregnant? If so, please list:
Additional History
1. Do you have any other concerns about your child?
If yes, briefly explain ___________________________________________________________
2. Does your child:
Play/interact well with other children?
Have attention/concentration difficulties?
Receive any special education services?
Name of School: _______________________________________________________________
Grade your Child is currently in: __________
Parent or Guardian’s Signature