Membership Scholarship Application Form - James Family Prescott Ymca


Date Rec’d___________
Rec’d by_____________
James Family Prescott YMCA
Membership Scholarship Application
Funds for financial assistance have been made available through the generous contributions of YMCA
friends. Please fill out the following information and attach the necessary documents (photocopies
only) and return to the James Family Prescott YMCA. Balance of the approved allocation will be your
responsibility and must be paid through our automatic monthly bank draft program. Please print all
information. All YMCA members receive the same membership benefits regardless of whether or not
they are receiving financial assistance.
Applications will be processed only after all information is
submitted and application is filled out completely
. Please print legibly.
Name (Head of Household)___________________________________________ Phone(s )____________________________________
Address___________________________________________________ Work Phone_________________________
City_________________________ State________ Zip Code____________ Birthdate________________
Email Address ____________________________________________________________________
Place of Employment__________________________________Position___________________________
 Full Time
 Part Time
Length of Employment_______________________________
Adults / Children Living in Home
Age / Grade
Using the checkboxes above, indicate which household members you wish to include on this membership.
 No
Have you ever applied for scholarship assistance at the James Family Prescott YMCA? Yes
If yes, what was / is your monthly membership payment? _______________
What is the dollar amount that you have the ability to pay each month? $____________ month
Would you be willing to share how your scholarship has made a difference in your life?  Yes
 No
Why are you applying for scholarship assistance? ___________________________________________________________________
James Family Prescott YMCA
750 Whipple St.
Prescott, AZ 86301


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