Confidential Application For Scholarship Assistance Form - Family Ymca Of The Glens Falls Area


Membership Activation
Date: ___________
Family YMCA of the Glens Falls Area
Confidential Application for Scholarship Assistance
Important Instructions:
• Complete this application and mail into the YMCA: 600 Glen St. Glens Falls NY , 12801 or return to
the front desk in a sealed envelope.
• Enclose in envelope all income documentation that applies to complete application: previous
year’s tax return, current pay stubs, SSI/SSD allocation statement, food stamp
statement, alimony/child support . Assistance will not be awarded if all documentation is not
• Award letter will be mailed to you within 10 business days
• A Government Issued Photo ID must be presented at the time of joining
Please print all information.
Date of Application: _______
_____ New application _____ Membership Renewal application
Name: ______________________ Home Phone: __________________ Work Phone: ________________________
Address: _______________________________ City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________________
Date of birth: _____________
Place of Employment: ____________________ How long have you been employed there? ________________
Please list all persons who live in your household and sh are living expenses or meals
Name/ Relationship
Date of Birth
Total Number in Household __________
Are you or any member listed on this form on a state or national sexual offender registry?
Are you a single head of household? ___Yes ___ No
If so, ______ Male _______ Female
Ethnicity/Race _____Hispanic/Latino _____American Indian or Alaska Native ______Asian _____ African American
_____Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ______Caucasian______ Other
Financial Assistance Request is for:
___Child Care
____ Camp
____Other: ____________
Please continue on back page
Have you ever applied for scholarship assistance before at the Glens Falls Family YMCA?
____ Yes ____No approximate date of previous assistance _________
What is the dollar amount that you are willing to pay or have the ability to pay each month?
What benefits do you see in having this scholarship to join the YMCA as a member or participant?


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